A week has passed since the event. "Nicholas has been on shut down.

He rarely talk his always training. As if a war is going to take palce.

"Nicholas is acting odd, how are we going to help him.'James said." I don't know nothing has piqued my interest.'Das answered with a tired face.

"A sport car parked infront of a warehouse, A man dressed in all black exit the car with a sunglasses on."The man is none other than, Nicholas.

"Who managed to get information on, All Massiom warehouse he planed to burn all of them down to ash.

"So far his plan has been working he has burned 9 warehouse out of ten. His about to burn the warehouse to complete his mission.

"He knew this was nothing to his mom and dad wealths so this is nothing to that bastard. "But even though it is nothing he would still get pissed that someone did that to him.

"Which is what, Nicholas needs. None of the the, Gray team knows what going on."Nicholas crew are called, Gray team.

"Nicholas strode to the warehouse carelessly. All the men there was cautious to approach the man who looks like deaths messengers.

"Hey you who are you looking for?.'One of the men asked."Me,'Nicholas asked while pointing to himself.

"Of cause you morron who else.'The man said."Tic tic, everyone should leave this warehouse now.

"When all the men who ranges are about 65 heard what. Nicholas said'They all laughed in sync.

"Nicholas narrowed hid eyes dangerously to the men."Which made them have chill in thier spine.

"But because of thier ego and dignity."They shrugged the feelings away.

"Nicholas furrowed his eyes brows, understanding what the men chose."He didn't mind actually he anticipated this.

"He wanted to beat the shit out of them but his way to busy to deal with the dirts."With that,Nicholas claped his hands together.

"And moved closer to the men before pulling something out his pocket. "With no hesitate he threw it to the floor.

"The moment the substance hits the floor it exploded in smoke taking the men eyes sight. For more than five minutes.

"And that was all, Nicholas needed to make the warehouse go cam boom. Nicholas set the bomb which would explode in five minutes.

"He placed it and walked out the warehouse, still looking like a gentleman like always.

"When the smoke died down the men searched around the warehouse to find it but it was fruitless. That was until one if the men saw a bomb ticking.

"Which would explode in 30 seconds. "Runn!!! That bastard left a bomb. "When all the men heard they didn't even bother to ask and just ran outside.

Few seconds later. The warehouse explode in flame. Leaving all the men shocked witted.

"Nicholas who saw how the warehouse exploded to ashes started the car ready for the second phase of his plan.

"A man was running so fast he felt like his legs would explode. But God answered his prayers he managed to get to the office.

"Si.. sir, Thier is a bad news sir.'The man managed to pull the words out."What is it that you barged into my office like that. 'The man with grey hair tone wasn't pleasant.

"Here sir."The man with grey hair collected the phone looking at the news. "Ten of his warehouses burned to the ground with in a day.

"Ha ha ha ha. 'IT looks like that bastard has come out of his hiding nest.'Massiom said in-between his hatred laugh.

"Whistling Whistling, A man in his mid 40's with a bald hair. Whistled while opening the door to his house.

"He opened the door entered switched on the lights. And almost had an heart attack. He switched on the light and saw a man sitting on his dining table.

"With only his back showing. "Who the hell are you!?.'the man hollered. "Me am your worst nightmare. 'Nicholas replied.

"Geting down from the man's dining table. With his face infront of the man to see."Ohh it you bastard hehe, just because you escape death didn't mean you are invisible.

"Ohh it looks like am popular you know 'Nicholas questioned with a dumb tone. "Making the man click his tongue at him.

"The man didn't really know all he knew was he had a bounty on his head.

"Mr Bread, you know everytime I remember your last name it always makes me crack up. Bread like do you mean the one we have with tea. 'Nicholas said teasingly.

"Mr Bread clicked his tounge wishing he could strangled the man infront of him right now and here. But his not ready to die.

"Mr Bread, I don't have much time to spare so answer my question quickly. "And what gave you the impression that I would answer a ugly bastard like you. 'Mr Bread said.

"Sighs, do I really have to threaten you people all the time. 'Nicholas mumbled to himself.

"What the hell his this bastard saying.'Mr bread was confused since he saw his lips move but no word came out.

"Mr Bread, You have a son and a daughter, your son his a heroine addict. Am sure if this information leaks you are done for, also I don't know how your wife would react know you have three mistresses outside. Not only that but also four kids.'Nicholas said.

"Mr Bread mouth was wide open." did you know all that.'He starmmed. "All this secret was high well kept.

"Now that is something i can't tell you, Mr Bread.'Nicholas said with a bored expression.

"So I advice you not to take my patience for a fool with on click the carrer you have been building all your life would crumble. 'Nicholas voiced changed from pleasant to do not joke with me.

"Yes sir I would answer all your questions with leaving a single bit out.'Bread gave up and finally answered all his questions.

"Not to forget he aslo compensate him for wasting his time with 20 billion dollars. "Which equivalent to 10% of his networth.