"Mr Sons I have no time to spare so please answer my question. "You bastard how did you know all that about me.'Sons grabbed, Nicholas t shirt.

"Nicholas preyed his hands away from his shirt with ease. "Mr Sons you don't want to pisss me off.'Nicholas said with guttural voice.

"Look here you bastard am not one of those bastard you would threatened. 'Yes you may know my secrets but would believe a screw head like you.

"Nicholas chuckled since he started his mission to destroy. Massiom before killing him he chuckled.

"It definitely wasn't the one any one wants to see. "Nicholas pulled out his phone pressing a few things.

"Before a video popped up he played the video and turned the phone to the. Egotistical bastard.

"The video shows all his nakedness how he rapped his mide and recording it like a saddest he his.

"Sons tried to grab the phone from, Nicholas but he was to slow."Where did you get this video you bastard.

"Nicholas didn't answer yet he put his phone back to his pocket,Before answering. " You know men like you who are devil's.

"Should always clear thier trails but has a Egotistical bastard you are you won't which always leads to your downfall.

"You always look down on women like thier nothing but toy. But you bastard have 5 girls just one boy.

"Would you be happy if a man is doing that to your daughter. "Sons looks down.

"Looking at you is making me want to puke just tell me your pin now."Why the hell would I do that.'Sons raised his voice.

"But this time around, Nicholas didn't reply with words instead he punched his jawbone make few teeths out.

"Ouch! Ho.w you do this to me you bas..."Nicholas didn't allow him to finish his words before he shoved glass into his mouth make him choke.

'Spitting blood."aah hhhhhh!'Sons mouth waa covered in blood. "This process continues for about 5 minutes.

"Before he finally gave up doing everything. Nicholas said. "Nicholas wiped all the money in all his 5 bank accounts.

"Each one's are worth billions. "He didn't collect his company. "Why because the children didn't offend him.

"If they managed the company well they would live a mid class life."Without stress cause thier father wouldn't be around to do that.

"After, Nicholas was done with that he traced the maid that works for, Mr Sons. "Who he raped.

"Knock knock.

"Kyle go and check who is at the door.

"Okay mom am coming.

"Clink the door opened, a boy who is about 10 years old opened the door."Looking up to the tall and handsome man at thier door.

"He was in dazed when his mom voiced waked him up.'Kyle who is at the door.

"Mom is a tall man I don't know him and I don't think you do.'Kyle replied."With that the woman came to the door herself.

"When she saw the man at her door.'She thought it was mistake maybe his going to the neighbors house.

"Sir I think you have the wrong house the person you are looking for stays in the second flat.'She said politely.

"Am not at the wrong house. Ms Sophie. 'Nicholas said with his husky voice. "You know my name.'Sophie asked. "Nicholas nod.

"Mm I guess you can come in. Sophie allowed, Nicholas to enter her house which was planie and beautiful.

"You may sit sir.'Nicholas took his seat opposite Sophie. With the son staring at the man with admire.

"Sophie who noticed how her son his staring at the poor man. She cleared her throat, before speaking. "Kyle go upstairs to play with your toys.

"He wanted to speak but the look her mother gave him made him swallow his words and defeatedly go upstairs.

"Leaving, Nicholas who still had his sunglasses and the same for more than a week now.

"Sir please how did you know my name 'The curiosity in her had to ask." Ms Sophie it from, Mr Sons.

"When Sophie heard that her beautiful eyes that looked like an angel turned bloody immediately after hearing the name.

"She didn't even let, Nicholas finished and just kicked him out."Get the hell out my house this minute.

"Nicholas tried to explain but she didn't seem to be having it and just kicked him out.

"Nicholas sighed he actually didn't have to do this but he would.

"4 hours later. "Two women who looks to be in thier late 20s. Was shocked when they saw a grown man.

"Seating infront of thier friend door apartments. With his head tited to the side of the door he looked to be sleeping peacefully.

"Knock knock.

"This time around it was. Sophie who opened the door to welcome her friends.

"Hey girl how are you." Am fine just really tired I feel sleeping right now. "Ohh did, Grey tried you out again.

"Shut up 'Isa."Bella said with a fluttered checks. " Sophie smiled at her friends seeing them bricking like little kids.

"Made her sour mood turned to happy." Let tell you what happened today. 'Sophie said.

"After her explanation that was when her friends remembered to inform her that a strange man is infront of her house.

"With that she stormed to the door give the man the peace of her mind."But when opened the door.

"And saw,Nicholas by the side drifting off like a little kid. "Her heart melted but she quickly shrugged the feelings away.

"That was also when. Nicholas stood up, he has been awake since her friends came.

"You know I could call the cops for you being a freak stalker. 'Sophie said. "How am a stalker when you didn't even let me explain myself.

"You have five minutes to do that or get the hell out of here.'Sophie said.

"I don't need up to five 2 is enough. 'Nicholas replied."Nicholas summarized everything to het within two minutes.

"He should her the video and said he only wanted to know what she wants to do."She tried inviting him in to stay for the night cause his late.

"But he refused saying he would come tomorrow to get her answer. "With that,Nicholas left Sophie alone.