"Sophie and his son, walking down from the stairs of thier apartment. "Mom who own that car.'Kyle asked while pointing to the car.

"Her mother followed his hand and saw the luxurious car."It probably one of, Linda clients. "But, Kyle didn't agree with his mom.

"Mom I think it the man that came yesterday. 'Sophie who heard what her son said furrowed her brows.

"And decided to check if what, his son said."He walked closer to the car it was tainted. She summoned the courage and knocked on the door.

"Few seconds later, the glass rolled down. Showing. Nicholas with his sunglasses. "Sophie was shocked when she saw that her son was right.

"Sorry I was just trying to comfirm if you are the one."Nicholas glanced at the boy whose finger his intangled with his mom.

"Nicholas smiled at the boy."He returned the gesture. "Sophie who was still feeling guilty that he slept outside in his car.

'Last night, Nicholas could have gotten a hotel but he was too exhausted to drive he ended up sleeping in his car.

"Also the car was secured, in bullet proof even the glass but that didn't mean he slept deeply.

"Young champ should I take you to school. 'Nicholas asked. "Sophie replied no." But Nicholas didn't spare her a glance and just fouced on the boy.

"Who nodded happily."Enter Young champ, Sophie was about to disagree again but the boy already opening the back door.

"No no you are sitting infront along side with me."Kyle happily hopped to the front sit with, Nicholas.

"Sophie could only sigh seeing the way her son is behaving. "Sophie defeatedly sat at the back.

"Nicholas started the car and drove to. Kyle he didn't know the place but. Sophie was telling where his going.

"But the few minutes they have before arriving at his school, Kyle interviewed, Nicholas with those little minutes.

"Sir what your name.'Kyle asked innocently. "Nicholas 'Nic replied.

"Are you married?. 'Kyle asked.

"At first, Nicholas glanced at him before shooking his head.

"Ohh do you perhaps have a girlfriend. 'Kyle questioned once again.

"Sophie was about to interfere but she wanted to know the answer too so she decided to remain neutral.

"Nicholas shook his head once again.

"Are you leaving today.'Kyle asked.

"Yes am leaving today.'Nicholas replied.

"Can you wait a week please. 'He asked with a puppy eyes.

"Nicholas glanced at the boy he felt his heart melted.'Why do you want to me to stay.

"In my school, they ask us to bring our dads to(PTA) meeting, I really want my dad to come. But my mom disagree my classmates makes funny of me saying I don't have dad.'Kyle said sadly.

"Nicholas looked at the boy his heart melted once again, he didn't want to break his little heart. But his also on a mission but maybe he could put it in hold.

"I will think about I will give you answer if you are back from school.

"When he heard his answer his mood lighten up before asking one last question

"Are going to pick me from school. 'Nicholas nod.

"Sophie who heard all thier conversations could help but cry seeing the way the stranger his treating his son like his.

"Finally Nicholas arrived at his school parked. The car got alot of attention everyone was thrilled to see the person that would come out of the car.

"To thier shock, It was Sophie and his son."Nicholas waved goodbye to he did the same.

"Sophie see his son off. "And head back to the car she sat at the front this time. Nicholas didn't seem to mind it and just drove her back to the house.

"She got down and saw that. Nicholas didn't follow her, some part of her just wanted to leave the other part tool over.

"She knocked at the galas. Nicholas rolled down the window. "Are not coming inside. 'She asked timdly.

"Nicholas nod not speaking. "Why are you still angry because of yesterday's discussion am sorry I made irrelevant decisions.

"No it not that at all am starving am heading to get breakfast I would be back.'Nicholas. "You don't need to that you can have breakfast with me.

"Nicholas rejected, but Sophie didn't seem to be taking no for an answer. "Finally Nicholas agreed to have breakfast with her.

"He got out of the car locked it. Was about to follow her when a burste lady came running over him.

"With her burste on his chest. Nicholas instinct made him scoop back immediately to understand what going on.

"Am sorry I kept you waiting I promise to compensate your patience. She said while using her hand to rub her breast flirtatiously.

"But, Nicholas found it disgusting. "Do I know you?.'Nicholas asked with a raised brows.

"Of cause am the one who is ready to make your little brother reach cloud 10."Immediately she said that. Nicholas understood what she meant.

"No am not here for that am here for her."Lina followed his gaze and saw who his was talking about.

"You mean her.'She asked with unbelievable tone."Yes she is the one. "Do you know she has a kid.'Yes.

"Lina was about to continue her bad mouth towards her but. Nicholas cut her words short he walked out on her and.

"Told Sophie to lead the way. Sophie who was enjoying the conversation pouted but thier is nothing she can do.

"Nicholas pulled out his phone and called his team mate. "He briefly explained everything to them.

"Ayla knows all about this, so I won't be able to come for a week am dealing with something I will explain when I get home.

"Thier four people left have dealt with six, Ayla has all thier information and knows what to do. I want you all to finish it before I get back.

"Are you sure you are okay you got everyone worried. 'Noval asked with a worried tone.

"Noval i am definitely fine, don't worry just don't make mistake on the mission. "Everything would be fine don't worry boss.

"Nicholas chuckled hearing that. Noval is referring to him has boss."You got, Ella worried I think you should call her.

"I would call her thank you are you okay yourself. "Of cause I am fine. 'Nic."Bye will call If the mission done.

"Noval cut the call.