"Nicholas got of the call. And called Ella. "Nicholas you almost made me have heart attack.'Ella yelled.

"Am sorry, have been caught up in the mission. How are you.'Nicholas tried to escape her nagging.

"Nicholas don't do this again try to always call me, you got me worried to death. 'Ella voice has lowered down.

"Am sorry I promise I won't do it again I promise to always call you every day. "Nicholas I have a surprise but I would only tell you in person.

"Surprise you got me all egar I wish I could come right now and see but I can't yet."Just stay safe out thier.'Ella's said before cutting.

"Nicholas smiled he missed her dearly no he missed all his team.

"Ella cuted the call with smile and rubbed her stomach."Your dad is coming home soon.

(A/N: HI everyone I opted some chapters out so I would briefly explain it here."Something happened between, Ella and Nicholas. "After the fight, Nicholas and Noval. Talked everything out and realized they couldn't be together and be best friends. )

"Nicholas after he finished all his calls. He entered her house. "Sophie served him some chicken soup.

"Which smell is a killer. Nicholas digged in the food the smell is just the same in the mouth. 'Nicholas enjoyed it.

"After the food. He slept off after the meal. "Sophie who came down from, downstairs."She saw him knocked out.

"She stared at him. "Nicholas opened his eyes before speaking. "Wake me up if it time for,to pick. Kyle.

"Sophie tried to agrue. But he was fast asleep she had no choice but to give up.

"Five hours later, Sophie strode downstairs getting ready to pick her son. While debating whether to wake him up or not.

"But she didn't have to make the choice cause. Nicholas woke up with a loud footsteps going and coming.

"Sophie who was pretty caught up in her thoughts was shocked when. Nicholas caught her lacking.

"Cough * Cough*, she faked a cough to get out of the awkward situation she got herself into.

"Is it time' Nicholas husky voice. Showed that he just woke up."Sophie who heard this nod.

"Without further or do, Nicholas stood up walking to his car. Sophie who has been left. Had to run to meet up with him.

"Nicholas got to the car entered. He also wait for, Sophie to also enter. With that he start the car and zoomed off.

"The whole ride was silent no one utter a word which made the air mad intense. "Finally Nicholas arrived thier.

"The moment he parked and was about to exit the car to pick the boy. He saw a cheerful young man which remind him of himself.

"Kyle cheerful came to jump up on her mom, His mom reporicate his gesture which made the young man smile.

"Nicholas who saw this smile. Even though it only lasted for a second. He has been caught up with himself. That he even forgot to sleep for almost a week.

"Just tracking his enmey moves to make them week it paid off but it also affect him. His health is at steak.

"But if he doesn't finish, Them they would keep hurting him. He won't make the mistake his parents did he would trash him out.

"Most of the money, Nicholas took from the bad men was donated to the. Orphanage home with homeless people.

"Nicholas has gotten an answer from. Sophie on what to do with the video. "He was told to publish it and he happily did.

"The internet is going crazy at the moment people are banishing him with a lot of hateful comments.

"He even got arrested currently his at the cell. All the questions his being ask he could even talk. All in his mind was regret he didn't get to kill that son of bastard who robbed him in day light.

"Sophie and Kyle entered the car. Of cause Kyle took his seat in the front along side with. Nicholas.

"Thier have been driving for more than 10 minutes. Which is the longest to get to the house.

"Sophie who noticed asked." Mr Nicholas this is not the route to home and it taking long.

"We are going to shop' Nicholas replied with a few words. "But you could have atleast drop us home.

"Kyle is also going shopping am I right?.'Nicholas turned to Kyle who was minding his business gently.

"Sophie to gaze at her son waiting for his reply. "Kyle who didn't know what to do he just nod.

"Which was the only thing Nicholas need to know he wants to go shopping with him."Sophie could only sigh at her son decision who has been on this man side.

"Sophie hasn't check the media. Maybe if she did her pov would change. When he told her he had a video which could ruin a man who abuse her.

"She only thought it was joke cause one has to be very powerful to challenge. Sons but he didn't really look like one.

"Of cause his good looking but in this world now good looks without work is useless. She didn't really take it important.

"The ride took another 15 minutes for them to get to the shopping mall which is the most expensive in this area.

"He searched it before he slept cause he needs clothes he has been in those blacks clothes for these he need new one asap that why his here.

"The shopping mall is for both genders children teenagers adults or old. It literally jack of all clothes.

"Nicholas exit the car, Kyle followed Suit. Sophie who had no choice also had to follow them.

"Nicholas walk in with him and,Kyle walking side by side like. Father and son. Which melted a lot of ladies hearts.

"Sophie who didn't want to come sneakily took a picture of the to keep."Nicholas picked bunch of clothes which would last him a month.

"Kyle shoped even his mom did even though her son forced her. They all spent 30 minutes at the mall