Am going to miss you so much when are you going to come and visit me.'Kyle asked while he clinged to, Nicholas like a koala.

"Kyle now that something i don't know but I will come or you can come visit. "Kyle quickly raised his head up when he heard that and looked at,Nicholas.

"Nicholas nod to comfirm that he is not hearing things."Mom can we really visit him."Sophie wanted to say no so bad.

"But he doesn't want to hurt his son feeling. "She nods. "Making Kyle get down from, Nicholas arm and start jumping.

"Nicholas handover all the property he bought for them to,Sophie. "She couldn't believe it he bought a mall for her to run.

"He bought a house luxurious one at that matter. It also clsoe to,Kyle school. "The Car he brought here he handover it to her.

"Also gave a atm to withdraw if needed for. Kyle or herself. "She wanted to reject everything but, Nicholas didn't leave a room foe negotiations.

"Currently, Sophie is driving him to airport with Kyle. "She is the only one front seat. Kyle and Nicholas sat back making her look like a driver.

"Sophie arrived at the airport. Nicholas said goodbye to the mother and son duo. He didn't carry any bag with him.

"He wanted to pack the few clothes he bought but. Kyle refused saying he won't come back if he did that.

"He finally gave up he couldn't even negotiate with the little man. When he could with the biggest businessmen or businesswomen.

"Kyle didn't want to leave but he has to go. Nicholas gave Sophie a warm hug and passed his business card to her.

"With that he entered the airport and checked in it was relatively easy since he didn't have bag with.

"He board at the plane he took nap in the plane in two hours flight. "Two hours later the plane landed.

"Nicholas ordered a ride to take him to the penthouse. "Finally after the stressful day he got to the penthouse.

"He got welcomed by everyone including, Ella she arrived at the penthouse since she was told he would be arriving today.

"Man what were you doing for a whole week and left us.'James asked.

"Everyone to was curious to know what he was doing for a whole dammn."Sigh he knew this was going to be a long story.

"He did explain but skip the part you know. "Whoah so you stayed because of the kid.'Ayla asked. "He nods.

"Wait are you now a dad or what' James asked."I don't know all I know is am his guardian' He replied.

"Now let talk about the mission. 'He questioned. "Ayla explained everything to him including the things they acquired.

"And how he saw on of the thives that did that to her dad. The funnest part was. Edward and Leo same thing.

"Before they wanted to pity just to take few but now they took everything."Nicholas was happy everyone was able to get thier revenge expect from him.