Nicholas explained how tomorrow mission would go but he also has his own personal plan he didn't explain.

"The second day came faster than expected. Everyone is geared up."Ella asked where they were going but no one told her.

"Selena has called informing them thar she would arrive today. "Zoey and Ella were the only left in the penthouse.

"Everything that happened was fast really fast. Before, Nicholas deal with him straight he ruined a few warehouse Before heading to hm.

"The car arrived at where ,Massiom is located. "Das has left them since the warehouse saying he would see if thier is anything important.

"Nicholas didn't pay much attention to it but others knew what he was doing. "Here is the plan.

"Rio you and Leo take the door. James and Edward who be the one to stop anyone from getting to. Nicholas till his done.

"Me and Noval would stay in the car to monitor the outside and give you guys directions. 'Ayla explained.

"Everyone nods."One more thing Everyone stay safe if you think it something you can't handle run I won't mind it.

"This is not your fight it mine I don't want to lose anyone please. "Nicholas said.

"Do not worry we would be fine. 'All of them said in sync.

"Leo and Rios were the first one to open the door for the others." All the guards were easily taken care of expect from one.

"Who gave,Leo and Rios hard time. "Rios rushed to hit the guard but instead he was the one that got slammed to the cold floor.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Rios groaned in pain. "Leo didn't attack yet he was trying to read the opponent but he couldn't.

"Why? Because he didn't gave one to begin with his just fighting with strength not with sence.

"If one attack straight on you are going to get your ass woped. "Rios who stood up again attacked he got his ass woped again.

"Rios stop attacking you would only get your ass woped!."Leo screamed."But Rios got the messages to late.

"This time he crashed!"Ouch, Rios whimpered in pain. "Leo felt his pain.

"This time, Leo attacked but not straight on he attacked his ribs. Paw! Paw! Paw. Leo didn't stop until he heard a sound that one of his ribs broke.

"The guard adjusted back but,Leo didn't give him time to relax he attacked his other ribs this time.

"Riso already stood up both of them now attacked together. "It didn't take long when the guard fell down.

"The guard fainted not to long after Leo and Rios. Called the other to deal with the second batch.

"Edward and James managed the remaining gangster and stood thier no one would pass thier until thier dead.

"Maybe that when they would be able to pass them. Nicholas now walked pass them and opened the door.

"But thier was a mistake in the plan that, Ayla didn't point out."Thier was another warehouse in the warehouse.

"When,Nicholas found out. He locked the door so the other couldn't. "When he entered that was when, Ayla firgued out but it was to late he tried to stop but it was not an option.