A slum girl and A merchant boy

In The World of Aetheria, where magic is called " art", the vast world with unique race and culture.

Somewhere in Valoria Kingdom. In some random corner of Fountain district, there a little girl who wearing such ripped clothing asking for food from other people.

"pls, pls some food".

{[Poor That little girl]owner though }

,there are many people in the slum district starve to death, are injured but can't afford medicine, and have rotten corpses.

she just wanders around the district , hoping somebody will throw their waste to her to eat. many people and carriages passed her and didn't even gaze at her as she was not worth anything. Suddenly she bumped into someone.

"oi watch it you dirty rat"

"i-i am sorry, please, I'm hung-"

"Now you just place your scent here, go away! you insolent filth"

that man kicks that girl to the ground, but people around don't even mind it. But, except for one person...

"stop, don't hurt her!"

a grey hair little boy, with an average build, comes to the rescue


that kid just helped the girl, ignoring what that man said, and brought her to the corner

"What is your problem? you know the noble hate low people, especially from the slum!"

"I- I know, b-but..."


"ahh I see, here take some of this"

"ah, are you sure?"

"yeah take it"

that kid handed over about 4 bread to her. Without waiting the girl ate that bread very fast as it was her first time eating real food.

"Look, I know you are hungry but you should eat slower"


while she eating, he looked at her, having messy hair, old clothes, and a ripped body,he began to feel that he needed to do something about it.

"Look, it's not like I want to do something bad to you but umm... do you want to come to my village?"

the girl shocked

"A-are you sure? I will just be a burden there.."

"not at all, but I can sure you that people in my village will treat you better than these "people"

that girl burst into tears. knowing she got a second chance to live her life

"Well, do you agree?"


she replied with a full smile making that kid blush a bit.

"Okay, we better start going. first, I need to take something from the tavern, wait here."

"wait! Uhm what's your name?"

"just call me Charbel,"

"Thanks, Charbel"

Charbel feels like a bump a bit.

as she waited for him, suddenly a snake approached her.

"hello snake, would you like some of this bread?"

she gives her share to the snake. and it eats it. and moves outside from the alley. that snake tried to attack some people 


that girl was scared that if that snake attacked the people, it would be killed, so she rushed toward that snake to stop it.

"sir watch out!"

that man hears that girl scream and notices the snake. the snake ran when she came. The man that she saves is a Priest from the capital

"Wow young lady, I can sense a divine art coming from you."

"D-divine art? "

as she was curious about what that priest talking about. Charbel ran toward them

"Ahh I'm sorry sir we will leave immediately"


the priest stops them from running away.

"As the rule made by Valoria Kingdom, if the girl has a divine power, she is selected to become a candidate to become a Calestial , and the candidate will be fully protected by the kingdom of Valoria"

"did you hear it charbel? I will become a candidate!"

"How you know if you really have divine art. but what about with our plan?"


the girl just feeling down that he just betrayed Charbel.

"dont worry when the time comes, the candidate will be permitted by the king to visit their family and their relatives"

"dont worry Charbel, when we meet again, I will show you my real power, and able to help you with anything i could"

Charbel was just speechless.

"All alright, should we move shall we?"

"wait! Whenever you become The Calestial or not, when we meet again I will always protect you no matter what!"

Charbel just said that word out loud until everyone could hear it. that girl blushed after hearing that.

"i-i will keep your promise!"

the priest took that girl to the fancy carriage, which was destined to go to the Temple in the capital.

they wave each other. when they a gone, Charlie realised something.

"I should have asked her name at least,i should visit her at temple when i got the chance"