Several months passed since she entered the Temple for training, and she realized that she was the only girl who came from the slums there because all of the candidates here were mostly Noble ladies. She was scared to interact with them after what happened at the district before. So she practiced alone.

"right girl first you need to make this flower bloom using your divine art."

All of them have a pot with a seed inside the dirt, they need to use their power to make it grow and bloom.

All the Girl seems to manage to do it, and someone overdid it.

A Blonde beautiful beautiful-looking noble lady who can grow a full Growth flower easily.

"wow as expected of Lady Karahia, such a strong divine power, you sure a have high chance of becoming the next Saint"

The teacher and all the candidates praise her. Lady Karahia Dakhil, Daughters of the Viscount Dakhil, she very mature despite being 12 years old.

"wow, she's talented "

That girl gave her a try to bloom it. She tried hard but it was not enough. The pot only shows a Tiny Green Spot. Everyone laughs at her.

"What a joke, are you sure the priest didn't mistake you for someone else? "

That girl was about to cry, but someone backed her up, it was Lady Karahia.

"a noble lady should not imitate others"

"Sorry lady karahia"

For the first time, she is backed up by a noble. and she gets to look at a lady Karahia in the Close distance.

[She looks soo beautiful, if I was this beautiful, would people treat me differently?]

"dont worry,as long im here,i will protect you will all i have"

"t-thank you, lady karahia"

"pls just call me Kara"

kara is soo kind to her.and everyone love to be around her.


that girl went to the library because she want to be this several months of training,the candidate seems to be avoiding her because of her status.soo the place she could be alone is at library.[lol]

unlike other day,it seems someone else inside the library.

"theres no need to hide from me young lady"

the priest when that girl first found,now become archbishop Fennel.he now on his 60an.holding a staff while reading books.

"i-im sorry for disturbing your work archbishop fennel,i-i will go now"

"who told you to leave?,come join me."

"b-but i dont know how to read,or write."


"im unable to read"

that girl still tell the archbishop that she cant read but something ordinary happen.

"the book...i-i seem to understand it a bit"

"what it say?"

"it say,the Voidtheris's exilement.i-i understand it.but what is that word mean?"

the archbishop seem to suprised she could read it in her first try.but try to remain calm.

"you might be blessed.but Voidtheris is not just a word,it a clan name"

"clan name?"

he began to open the book which show the geography of the show a lard scale of land which they called Valoria Kingdom.and the neighbouring country.

"in this world,there a lot of culture around the aetheria.but there a special species that share the name with our world.they called "aetherian".unlike our kind who can summon guardian spirit,elemental artibute you name it.the aetherian not only able to learn it all like us,but they posses an ability to use the art the power called "Songs".their songs colour also show what clan they belongs to depend on their bloodline.there a 5 clan of Aetherian.






Each 4 Songs have their own type of ability which can be consume by aetherian.and the most powerfull songs is called Prime Songs.but,they are too powerfull to be use freely by the aetherian and being given to the master of other 4 Aetherian clan.

"what what about the 5th clan?"

"listen, is getting interesting"

even the one who discover the prime Songs is the Voidtheris Clan,the refuse to give it to them because of their clan history.beside of using Songs as their main art,The Voidtheris is known for their curiosity on everything.they will do anything for knowledge and for it, they learn the most dangerous art, The Black Art. Which endangered the balance of the world. They sought to harness its power for their own gain, leading to conflict and chaos.

The Voidtheris Clan refuse the idea and demand the fair compesation for the prime songs.but like i say before,they might be using it for bad purpose and will become threat to the Whole Aetheria because the Prime song can use all power depending of their type.

The Voidtheris Clan Master, Xander Voidtheris wont stay back from his demand,he begin to take it by force.which result many of casualties.

After the incident,The Voidtheris,As a consequence, they were banished from society to prevent further harm Clan being Exile from their home by any mean necessary.and Xander Voidtheris die in His own land. 

"thats soo sad"

"yeah,many innocent live were taken for the greed."

"i mean the Voidtheris Clan,they were exile from their home,leaving them nowhere to go."

"well that not the ending for them"

meanwhile on the other side of the world,there was a reborn of tyrant of Moctar .who seek to expand their power.The neighbouring country seek for the Aetherian help on defeating the tyrant.the Aetrherian begin to use their trump card, The Prime Songs.they open the Tournament who will wield it and lead the Aetherian on war.the Tournament was pretty lit,the Fight between the participants now 5 Aetherian left.

that four seem to gang up againts that one Zentheris.but with his skill and art, he outmatched them all.the spectator we all shocked by his skill of using art.

when the master about to give him the prime songs.he began to reveal himself as Zephyrus,the New Master of the Voidtheris Clan.the Masters Refuse to give it to him.

"I win with fair and square,why wont you give it to us!"

"your clan is no longer part of Aetheria,now get lost,while we still give you mercy."

Zephyrus is now full of hatred.he begin to take it by night he pay all the master the visit to claim all the Prime songs.takong the Prime songs one by one. it now time to Voidtheris Return from their result,begin the Civil War between Voidtheris Clan againts other 4 clan.

the Voidtheris Clan is Outnumber,they begin to ask help from The Moctar Empire and his ally Impirial land of Tsukiyomi.The Whole world see this as threat because the Aetherianis known for their Songs of power,and with the combination of undeniable force from the Moctar empire and Impirial land of Tsukiyomi. that was the beginning of the First Armageddon which between the Abyssal and Aethyria for hundred year.

but it still not enought,the Aethytria is still outmatched againt the abyssal,They begin to create a guild called The Royal Hibiscus which can only the elite can join .until one young woman joined the battle.skilled with the divine art,they called Her The Celestial .with her leadership and the Royal Hibiscus Knight ,which lead the Downfall of Moctar Empire and Impirial Land of Tsukiyomi ,leaving the Voidtheris with no allies .The Aethyria begin order to exterminate the whole Voidtheris Clan for the nightmare they create .The Final Battle between Zephyrus Voidtheris and the The celestial take place at the No man land.

We belive The celestial beat Zephyrus Voidtheris and the body being keep by The Royal Hibiscus . it a loss because both defeat in battle and her body was not found , but , she left us the Divine Sphere which require the Divine Art and it still protected until this day inside our temple . and the prime songs is recovered and well protected also till this day.


"that was an amazing story,archbishop"

"it is but until this day, the Voidtheris extermination still on going,too bad their fate has to be this way"

"i-i wish the Voidtheris Clan could Found peace"

"yeah,sometime i also hope the same, but as long the knight wont stop,the Voidtheris Clan will be no more.

Someone bashing into the library and running toward the archbishop.

"archbishop we need your help"

"what is it?"

"the Divine Sphere,it start to crack!"

"W-what?! hurry get all the saint candidate there,we cant let it escape!"

the situation which from chilling to rush in a blink of an one know what sort of magic that make it crack.