Chapter 6-Clouded Minds

Chapter 6

Clouded Minds

A tense atmosphere befell the entire nation, the foul stench of incinerated flesh hung low in the environment. Everyone stood dead silent, all staring directly toward the now visible Edith, who had his Sword Spirit in weapon form in his right hand. He raised it valiantly in the air as he entered his Awakened form. He mercilessly and ruthlessly gazed down upon the pitiful, desolate members of the human race who just stood there like sitting ducks in his exalted presence.

NAME: Edith

RACE: Awakened Fox

AGE: 16

LEVEL: 600/700

WEAPON: Sword Spirit Ashe

CLASS: Battle Mage

RANK: S-Rank

AFFLICTION: Marionette

ROLE: Mercenary

HEALTH: 2,100,000

MANA: 1,000,000

STRENGTH: 3,700,000

STAMINA: 5,000,000

ABILITIES: Fox God Mastery 7, Teleportation MAX, Elemental Magics Mastery MAX, Dark Magics MAX, Void MAX, Demon Lord Mastery 3, Summon Follower, Telekinesis 7, Enhanced Physical Ability, Enhanced Magical Ability, Skill Integration, Abnormal Status Resistance, Null Pain, Sneak 10, Illusion MAX, Mental Fortitude.

EXTRA SKILLS: Blessing of Creation God Amaterasu, Blessing of Marionette Goddess Alastor, Blessing of Sorcerer God Magus, Blessing of Afterlife God Osiris. Blessing of Fox Goddess Inari, Blessing of the Dryads, Blessing of the Demonic Race.

TITLES: Godslayer, Dragonslayer, Friendkiller, Spirit Tamer, Summoner, Necromancer, Assassin, Hero of the Elders, Disciple of Alastor, Cheater of Death, Tamer of Demons, Tormentor.

His then six brilliantly glowing fox tails stood majestically at his back, waving gently in the air. Everyone around him were forced on their knees, including the Hero, who just couldn't find the courage to stand before this enhanced being whom no one recognised.

"Hmph." He sneered at them all while wearing this look of superiority. Ashe, Libitina, Lucy and Nuro were the only ones who stood their ground. He turned to the Hero, who continually bowed at his feet.

"So, you're the Hero, huh?" He arrogantly inquired, "The one supposedly...chosen by those fuckers up above?" All he saw was red, visions of the Hero's body being cut open and his blood and guts spilling out spilled into his mind! His urge to massacre this poor little fucker nearly took full control of his godly frame.

"Y-Yes...oh great one...What is your bidding, messenger of the Gods?"

"Hmph." He snickered, his eyes darting over to the burned carcass tied to the red hot, burned up stake, "Persefoni!"


Immediately following, the carcass raised its head, gradually revealing its blood red beady eyes, Most of her face was already all bone and no skin. It most easily broke free of its constrains and hovered down to just beside the exalted fox, where it stood over Hero Julieaus with an emotionless gaze. To him, it was as if the dead had been raised to life right before his eyes. He had nothing of his previous attitude with him any longer, only respect, reverence and terror welling up within his human body. A status plate opened in front of Edith's face on a blue screen.

NAME: Persefoni

RACE: Demon

AGE: 12

LEVEL: 300/1000


CLASS: Demon Lord


AFFLICTION: Marionette Faction


HEALTH: 1,055,670

MANA: 750,000

STRENGTH: 1,300,000

STAMINA: 2,000,000

ABILITIES: Elemental Mastery, Advanced Elemental Mastery, Dark Mastery, Void Mastery, Null Pain, Abnormal Status Resistance, Physical Enhancements, Reverse Death, Enhanced Auto-Regain, Dimensional Shift, Teleportation, Necromancy MAX, Summoning, Turn Undead, Mana Manipulation, Green Magic Mastery, White Magic Mastery, Arcane Magics Mastery, Telepathy.

EXTRA SKILLS: Blessing of Marionette Goddess Alastor

TITLES: Cheater of Death

"Ho…Would you look at that…" 'Enhanced Auto-Regain...Null Pain...Turn Undead...looks like I picked a powerful comrade…' He mischievously thought to himself. It was no wonder he evolved again to a six-tailed fox. At that rate, it wouldn't be long until he had nine tails and could finally ascend to the position of a minor God.

"Nnnrng...W-what are you doing with the enemy? She's the Demon Lord, don't you know?!"

"I am well aware of that...Fallen Hero Julieaus."

"Fallen?! H-How dare you refer to me as such a degenerate term!" He fearfully stammered. Edith only stared at him with a completely uncaring expression, offended by his very presence at the time.

"So you still have the courage to speak to me, hmm?" He furiously questioned, "Well then, let me show you what true power looks like."

Persefoni turned to him, as if waiting for permission to bring havoc upon the nation. Her expression didn't change. She partly reminded him of himself.

"Burn it all down. Kill everyone but my comrades and the so-called Hero on the ground."

"Shall I also destroy the other nations?"

"No, not yet."


"W-what are you doing?! What are you doing?! No! Stop! I-I must-" Julieaus tried to stand back up, but it was as if his legs were nailed to the ground. His arms, his legs, his entire body and all his abilities seemed completely frozen in time. Not a single muscle worked. The only thing he was capable of doing was moving his head around. But he had a spectacular view of the entirety of the town square and Persefoni, who's arms subsequently were hoisted in the air.

Simultaneously, the usually ocean blue, cloudless sky swiftly turned the colour of blood as three shining red moons entered the atmosphere, creating a ghastly feeling of hopelessness for the citizens. The air made them feel like they were being thrown into a volcano, as with every breath they took, their lungs heated up more and more. Everything was dark, and the only light given to these poor souls was the light provided to them by the moons.

Darkness prevailed the land. The time of violence was directly upon them. As Edith remembered from prophecies told to him when he was a child, the true Awakening of a Demon Lord is signified by the sky turning red and the three moons appearing all at once. If that were to happen, the only ones capable of saving the Human Race were those chosen by the Gods, also known as...Heroes. But if he looked at the Hero then, his cowardliness, his wanting to flee into the castle for safety…

He doubted anything could stop them.

Everyone other than Julieaus who was previously on their knees haphazardly bolted for safety. Libitina, seeing this as her time to shine, promptly drew her sword and plunged the blade into the first throat she could find, which was that of a young male child around the age of eight who was holding strongly onto his mother's hand.

"AACK-" The child sputtered, his eyes bulging out of their sockets so much that she thought-no, wanted them to fall out. She yanked the blade out and kicked the body to the ground then viciously met the mother's gaze with a sinister smile.

"You're one of Amaterasu's followers, aren't you? Then die, you cur!" She aggressively kicked the lady onto the ground, sat upon her chest and held the blade directly overhead, hoping to hear her screams of terror right before she was murdered, "Scream for me, scream for me! Let me hear that voice you used to praise that foul deity each day!"

"N-NOOOO! L-LEAVE ME ALONE! I-I DON'T WANT-AAAAAHHH-" Libitina silenced her by forcefully shoving her sword straight into her head, breaking into her skull and ensuring it went through the other side. Before she even took note of all the blood spewing out onto the ground, she lunged directly toward another individual, who was a singular man wearing the outfit of the typical villager and stabbed him straight in the stomach, kicking his body to the ground and crushing his head beneath her feet. Her legs and dress were then dyed red with the blood of the innocent. The whole ordeal made her laugh like a maniac, which absolutely mortified Lucy and Nuro.


"Umm…" Lucy didn't dare to approach her. She reeled back with Nuro with her eyes completely shut, "...N-Nuro, sh-should an inn for the night? I-I don't think I want to be out here…"

"Y-Yes please…" Nuro could barely speak. They both turned the opposite direction and fled with the citizens in search of an inn, which was thankfully right around the corner.

Persefoni was constantly conjuring her magic while focusing on a specific element-the element of fire, with which she intended to scorch this entire section of the Overworld. She specifically targeted any human territories within the Theocracy's territory, which meant this spell would destroy about 99% of this section of the world. Edith ensured to cast a protection spell with a strength greater than her magical capacity on all of his comrades, as well as this so-called Hero whom he wished to bare witness to their actions.

She quickly started running out of magical power, so he held onto her bony shoulders and transferred some of his own. She looked at him with a neutral face, though thankful for the aid.

"Thank you." She quietly, obediently voiced, "You are...different...from the other foxes."

"I care not about my lineage. All I care about is revenge. You're the same, aren't you?"

"Yes. The humans will pay for their actions against the demons. And you will help me achieve that."

"Of course. As long as you help me, I will help you destroy as much of humanity as you see long as they're not my comrades." He...thought he should throw at in there. Wouldn't want her killing off Lucy, Aster, Ashe or Eloise and her dad after all...

"Thank you." Finally, the little girl smiled, "Take care of the owner of this body when this is all over."

"I'll take her with me, of course." He replied, "But what about you?"

"Do not be so worrisome of me, Edith. We both have the power of telepathy, I will speak to you through this when I am not in control."

"Good." He went back to watching the daunting scene unfolding. Libitina was repeatedly killing as much as she could while citizens attempt to flee. Some did, in fact, but most others were caught up in her attacks. He didn't see Lucy or Nuro anywhere-he assumed they went to an inn or something, "Is it ready yet?"

"Yes." She stopped conjuring, "Shall we destroy this place now?"

"Sure…" He threw a glance over to the Hero, who looked so powerless he almost laughed, "...Look, Hero. This is what happens when you mess with the wrong people. Happy now?"

He did not respond. So Edith went forth and kicked his shin. He reeled back in agony as his bottom teeth came loose and blood poured out of his mouth, dying the ground beneath him in small patches of red,

"Don't think I've let you off the hook just yet. I'm just letting you live because I have some interest in you. And don't think you can ever hope to kill me, that girl slaughtering all of Amaterasu's followers, my comrades, or the Demon Lord. Your highest level is 200, right? Well look at mine." He opened his status plate and shoved it into his face. Julieaus's eyes shot open in both shock and disbelief.

"S-six is preposterous!"

"Even if you manage to team up with the strongest entities in the mortal realm, you can never hope to kill any of us. can you fight against someone who has absorbed the powers of a God?"

"You sick…"

"Ask Amaterasu or the elders for all the help you want. You'll just be sacrificing the lives of their followers unnecessarily."

He walked away from him,

"Well, say goodbye to your home...and all the kingdoms within the Theocracy's territory."

"N-no! W-wait! Y-you're not seriously going to kill everyone, right?! You're killing so many innocent people! Y-You can't do this! This is treason!"

"Who cares if it's treason?" He answered him, "The Gods cannot do anything to stop me, and they know this. And do I look like I care about the lives of the innocent?" He allowed Julieaus a good look at his glowing face. He shuddered in fear and shut his mouth.

"Nnn…" He couldn't stand up to him at all. All this supposed Hero was capable of doing was laying there...desperately trying to break free from this...curse the fox cast upon him. 'Why can't I do anything...Aren't I supposed to protect everyone?! What kind of Hero am I if all I could do is lay here and watch as these...monsters destroy my kingdom?!' He thought to himself.

"Now then…" Edith spoke out loud, "...Persefoni. Destroy it all."

"With pleasure."

The phenomenon was dubbed as 'The Awakening' by all who saw it.

For as far as the eye could see, the skies were set ablaze. Everyone caught up in it, if you hadn't known any better, quickly accepted that death was just inches away from them.

Some started praying to the Gods for salvation to no avail. Others tried casting protection magic upon themselves, but the sheer heat alone destroyed any shields put up. Through it all though, no body felt like the Gods had forsaken them, even though deep down, they all knew that they had.

The fire slowly overtook them. Everyone and everything within the Theocracy's territory was scorched, burnt to a crisp with absolutely nothing remaining.

All except for Edith's party and the Hero.