Chapter 7- The Woefulness of Ones Tainted by Vengeance

Chapter 7

The Woefulness of Ones Tainted By Vengeance

Nothing of the Theocracy was left. Edith, Lucy, Libitina, Nuro, and now Persefoni, destroyed it all. Nuro was scarred for life by what she witnessed, Lucy was filled with shivers, unable to process the blazing flames which took over that entire section of the world.

Libitina's thirst for the blood of humanity, specifically the followers of her hated God was quenched for the meantime, she thought nothing of the situation. Ashe remained neutral, saying in her mind that it was all to aid in Edith's development. Finally, Persefoni was yet to regain consciousness. He had already restored her lost skin and bones and cast a mental healing spell to alleviate the stress put upon the poor, innocent twelve year old's trauma. Upon further inspection done by the Demon Lord resting within her, she, whose real name was Yua, hadn't even bore witness to the outside world. She didn't know anything dangerous or terrible. So the mental shock must've been even worse than Edith expected.

Through it all he only had one thing in mind, and it was increasing his power. With the Demon Lord's help, he, in his normal form, grew to level three hundred, and his Awakened form, to level six hundred. Despite this, he never stopped thinking of himself as weak, always telling himself, 'Achlys is so much stronger than me…' or '...I'm so weak...Elzia…'

They sat together on the scorched ground with nothing but burnt trees, barren landscape and the three moons hovering in the sky. Persefoni, unconscious, was laid on the ground with her head on Libitina's lap. Half the party sat in a tense silence, while the other half in neutrality or bliss.

"Hm~ Hm~ Hm~ That shows these stupid followers of Creation~!" Libitina, clearly gleeful about her exploits and covered in blood from head to toe, exclaimed, "Edith, thanks for this. My revenge on Creation has finally begun!"

He didn't respond. He gazed toward the others and saw Lucy avoiding his gaze, along with Nuro, who couldn't lay an eye on him.

" really changed…" Lucy muttered under her breath, "...Or...were you always like this?"

"…" He said nothing.

Ashe held his hand and gave it a squeeze. She smiled affectionately into his eyes with a nod,

"You did what you thought was best. The Theocracy was an enemy of yours and you destroyed it. Pay this no mind, Edith."

"Mm." He only grunted at her. Then with a sigh, he looked down toward the ground, deep in thought, "News of the Demon Lord's rise will spread like wildfire throughout the world. When Yua wakes up, we must find a way to hide her true identity."

"She has yet to be blessed with Identify Protection. Such a feat is impossible to achieve for now." Libitina replied, stroking Yua's head, "She's so little. It will be ideal if her existence is kept a secret."

"How do we do that though?" Lucy asked. Her face crumbled up into a desperate expression, "If anyone figures out that we're harboring a Demon Lord, who knows what will happen!"

"Just use illusion magic." Ashe spoke out, "Foxes are highly skilled in the power of illusion. Edith should be able to most easily mask Yua's true existence and allow her to roam freely."

"Well...that is true…" Lucy looked downcast for a moment, "...She's such a young girl though...why did Persefoni choose her in the first place?"

"Demon Lords most often choose those who are most compatible with their power." Edith spoke, "Personally, I'm against her choice of person as well, but I'm in no position to argue. After all, she promised to aid me in getting my revenge against Achlys, and I promised to aid her in dominating the human race." Then he noticed the concerned look plastered onto Lucy's face, "Don't worry though. She won't harm any of you, or my comrades."

"Still...choosing a girl her age is going too far!" She continued to stroke Nuro's soft hair, "And you, how could you torment her like that! You could've just had her gradually awaken to them, you know…"

"My apologies. But this was the most efficient way to form a pact and destroy the Theocracy, like I promised Libitina."

"Is power and revenge really all you three care about? Look at Nuro! If you were going torment Yua like that, you could've warned her! And me too! Don't you care about our mental well-beings at all?!"

"No. I don't." He blatantly stated, causing Lucy to shoot daggers at him and almost shoot to her feet, "All I care about is getting my revenge against Achlys, awakening Elzia, and fulfilling the promises I made to my comrades, even if it means destroying this world as we know it. You should know that better than anyone, Lucy, as we've been comrades for four years now."

"Nnn…" She wanted to smack him so badly...every ounce of her being wanted to freaking murder the boy for being so heartless. But she ultimately dropped it, knowing his reasoning behind these endeavors, "...Forget it. You aren't going to listen to me anyway."

She peered down to Nuro, who laid on her lap, and felt sorry for the poor girl. Because she too, was not used to such violence.

"Poor Nuro…"

"She'll get used to it." Libitina voiced to Lucy. The twelve year old Creation disciple glared, but dropped it because of the difference in power the two held.

Then minutes later, a certain young and feminine voice entered his mind. The voice of someone from long ago.

"Edith, get to the castle. It's urgent." It spoke. Edith immediately acknowledged her.

"Eloise? Yes. I'll be there now."


A downcast, grim face befell the girl standing directly in front of them in the dead of night. Not a soul was out on the streets, as everyone was too fearful of the supposed Demon Lord. There was a tense silence, one much worse than earlier before they were called. Eloise kept staring at them all with a downcast expression plastered on her little face. But it seemed to be more akin to fear...or even disappointment than sadness. She was a short thirteen year old girl, about Lucy's height and size. She had long ocean blue hair, sparkling beady blue eyes and snow white skin. Her usual outfit was a long blue-white buttoned sleeveless dress which reached to her knees in length. A white rose was situated on the right side of her head, just behind her ear. Her smile, honesty and cheerful nature brought joy into the hearts of whomever saw it. She was third in line to the throne of the Aznozian Empire and a good friend of Edith, Ashe and Lucy.

Eloise was already acquainted with the Marionette faction, and was an ally of both them and Sorcerer, as she had relatives who were part of those two factions.

When Edith and the others approached her, he noticed the sparkle in her eyes disappear. Concerned, he automatically asked her,

"If something was bothering you this much, why haven't you called the Marionettes to your aid? You have telepathy, do you not?"

"Edith…" She teared up. Tears quickly slithered down her cheeks and drooped to the ground. She promptly wept, her knees barely maintained her stance. Through her tearful voice, she kept asking him, 'why, why?' Eventually, speaking out, "...Why? Why did you destroy them like that?! How could you ally with the Demon Lord and kill so many people?! What did they even do to you?! Don't you know how many lives were lost thanks to your merciless actions today?! How could you?!"


His mind immediately went to his battle formation, his ability of 'search' activating almost instantaneously, but finding nobody hiding to ambush him. He should've anticipated this, as he was Eloise's savior.

Everyone except for him was shocked at Eloise's unexpected discovery, each of them worried about a possible ambush. He let Eloise continue to speak without saying a word in his defence,

"I trusted you...I thought you were better than this...I thought you were my ideal knight...but for you to use your Godly powers in such a vile're just like Achlys! Just like her!"


'Just like Achlys...huh…'

He snickered silently to that.

It was true that he and her both wished for destruction of the world and power. It was also true that they both shared a similar attitude toward their enemies and people alike. Their scornful attitudes were almost identical in every way.

But they both hated-no, detested, loathed, abhorred each other and actively tried to murder the other. Their sinister personalities and lust for power was what made them the same. So he admitted that Eloise was right.

"You're right." He stated, "I am just like Achlys."

"Why?! I thought you wanted to kill her, but here you are, killing thousands of innocent people all for the sake of gaining more strength! How could you do such an awful thing!?" Eloise shouted back, her voice cracking under the strain of her lungs and face stained with tears.

"Who told you I killed them all? Who told you I entered a contract with the Demon Lord?"

"Why should I tell you?! You're just going to kill them, aren't you?!"

"Maybe." He said, "But regardless of whether or not you reveal their identity, I'm still going to read your mind to find out for myself."

"Nnrng…" She staggered back, clutching onto her chest in absolute terror of the boy she once thought of as her savior, "...It was Est. Est Marionette, Lord Alastor's strongest puppet."

"Est?" 'That fucker...she's the one who murdered me in my past life back on Earth…'

Not believing her, Edith used his mind-read ability, and lo and behold, Eloise spoke the truth.

'Why would she reveal this to her? Does she plan on killing me for a second time?'

Edith downright despised Est Marionette for killing him, but he was also mortified of the sheer amount of strength she possessed. She was about on par with Lord Alastor, who was the second most powerful being in existence. If she and him were to battle, he wouldn't stand a chance. Comparing their stats, Est was on level 120,000, whereas Edith was on a mere 600. For him to go past level 1000, he'd have to evolve into a demi-god, which would force him to need all 10 of his fox-tails, and he only had 6.

He's obviously going to need more should he go out about it…?

"Y-yeah…" Eloise shakily revealed, "...She came to me...a-about an hour ago...a-and told me of your evil deeds...I-I didn't believe her at first, b-but then she showed me her memories of you t-t-tormenting that l-little girl in your comrade's showed me you and her k-k-killing everyone...E-Edith h-how could you...I…" She fell silent, thunderstruck as to what to say next, and broke down in tears.

About a minute passed before anyone spoke again. Eloise forced herself to stand her ground before the boy, speaking with the tone of a leader of the Aznozian Empire.

She locked eyes with him melancholically. She was reluctant to do this, but she had to...for the sake of her people…

"Edith, for three years we welcomed you into this nation with open arms, but what you have done today, the murder of thousands, if not, tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children. You have ruined so, so many lives, scarred everyone within the eastern part of the Overworld, and allied with our mortal enemies."


"I do not have the jurisdiction to exile you from this nation officially, but I beg of you, do not ever set foot in within the Aznozian Empire's territory again."


"And here." She extended her right arm to the side and conjured up a weapon known as the 'Dragon's Bane,' which was a sword forged entirely from the body and blood of an Elder Dragon. It had a pure black and scaly hilt and a blood red curved blade spanning about a metre in length and thirty centimetres in width. The sword was said to quadruple every bit of its wielder's status and make them an ally of the dragons, allowing one to summon an Elder to aid in battle. Whoever tried to steal it would be instantly incinerated.

She threw it on the ground in front of his feet without a second thought, "You can have this back."

"…" Edith picked it up and put it back into his Dimensional Storage.

With vacant, depressed eyes, Eloise bid Edith an eternal farewell.

"Farewell, my knight. May we never cross paths again. And may you eventually find the happiness that you lost so long ago...Nnn..."


With that, she, in tears, turned her back and walked away.


The party of six, with Yua still unconscious in Libitina's arms, were escorted out of the empire by knights Eloise sent. When they were at a good enough distance away, Lucy and Nuro stepped in front of the other four.

Libitina, who was already angered enough, shouted at them,

"What? You're blocking the way."

"U-Um…" Nuro stated, "...I-I think we should part ways…"

"Y-Yeah…" Lucy added, "...Edith I...well...You've changed...I would stay with you...but...I…" Tears started forming in her sockets, she maintained a constant fixation on the boy's eyes, "...I just...can't accept what you're doing anymore!"


He remained silent. Only gazing at the girl in complete neutrality. Ashe stepped up with a question, her face showing signs of agitation and worry,

"Are you saying you wish to leave us?"

"Yes, exactly that." Nuro uttered. She was once filled with energy, like a bubbly baby fox from Earth, but now...the light in her eyes seemed to be faded. She was nothing more than an empty puppet, traumatized by Edith's actions and all the blood and violence she was made to witness for the past few days. She didn't care about him anymore. Nor did she want to ever be acquainted with him again, "Edith, when I first met you, I thought you were the coolest person ever, with your five tails and your unlimited power. But...I was wrong." She said, "You're nothing more than a heartless murderer, an outlaw, you're exactly the opposite of what us foxes are supposed to represent. A Nogitsune. You're a Nogitsune among us Zenko."

" your mouth!" Libitina marched up and swiped her sword in Nuro's direction. Nuro, in fear, looked away and covered herself up with her arms-but Lucy swiftly drew hers and blocked the attack while shooting daggers in Libitina's direction. She was unable to hold her attack for long, but thankfully, Libitina ceased after a touch on her shoulder from her master.

"You son of a bitch…" She barked at the two, "...DON'T YOU DARE CALL MY MASTER BY SUCH DEROGATORY WORDS!"

"It's fine." Edith replied calmly, "I care not about the opinions of others. You can call me whatever you please."

"Haah…" Lucy quickly cast a vitality spell upon herself then backed away from the four with Nuro clinging to her clothing, "...You really have changed…" She uttered, "...Edith...I hope you're happy with what you've done. I used to think of you as an elder brother, but now, now I think you're just as bad as the Lord of Destruction herself. Achlys, I'm saying." She and the poor little fox backed up once more, "Goodbye. I'll escort Nuro home. We don't ever want to see you again."


Ashe, Libitina and Edith remained in an unbearable silence as they watched Lucy and Nuro walk away in the dead of night. At this point, it was safe to say that Edith had lost almost everything. A home, his closest friends (Other than Ashe and Libitina) and his home village. But he didn't care. In his mind, all he constantly thought about was getting stronger and finally killing the one who supposedly caused all the bad things to happen.

They observed as the figures of the two pitiful girls disappeared from their view, all the while Ashe was clinging onto Edith's right hand. She looked Edith in the eyes with a dejected but supportive expression,

"Edith...are you alright?"

"…" He said nothing. Libitina balled her hands into fists in frustration before aggressively stomping on the ground, which made a tiny crater beneath her right foot,

"Those fucking...traitors! How could they just leave us like that?! They're going to disclose our identities and deeds to the world, aren't they?!" She eyed the two violently, "Why didn't you let me kill them?!"

"Because." Edith said, "My other self would have regretted it."

"You would've regretted it?!" Libitina grabbed hold of Edith's collar and shoved her face into his, yelling at him at the top of her lungs, "Because of something as pitiful as REGRET, you would allow them to confess EVERYTHINGGGG to the entire goddamn world?! Are you fucking insane?! What if the Death Faction finds us, what if the entire Creation Faction comes after us now?! Even the Marionettes!? You know what that'll do to us, right?! The Marionettes are in charge of keeping world order, you know they will come after us if they find out about what we've done!"

"So?" Edith spoke, "I'll just kill them."

"Nnrng…" She released him and took a step back in anger, "...You idiot...You know that's not going to work…"

"If Est Marionette attacks us, then I'll just kill her too. I'll kill everyone who stands in our way...even if it's an Elder God themselves…" He, emotionless, stated, "I'll do whatever it takes…to awaken my sister..."

His next targets would have to be Gods themselves. Otherwise, his strength won't be increased quickly enough for Est Marionette's supposed arrival. Just the fact that she set foot in the mortal realm that day was enough to light a fire in him. To gain enough strength to eliminate her, as well as Alastor if necessary, he would have to start killing off the children of the five Elders and stealing both their strength, and their disciples' strength. And he would stop at nothing to pull it off.


Despite the curse he cast upon himself…

A tinge of regret made its way into the bottomless pit he called a 'heart...'