chapter four

"You are back," Javis called out.

"Yes, I guess I nearly made it with my life," Baili said as he tossed the rabbit.

Looking at the rabbit, Javis began whistling. "Indeed, this beast is a little bit hard for your level. I wonder how you killed it, but don't be conceited. If you really want to be strong and above your peers, you have to always go beyond the limit of your ability."

Baili only gave him a simple sentence, waving his hands dismissively. "You talk too much."

Javis didn't say a word again. Soon the meat was done, and he cut a piece for Baili and also cut a piece for himself.

Baili was reminded of when his father used to come back home with the body of a ferocious beast, always having a barbecue like this. It was a joyful memory.

The next day, the two got ready to continue their journey. They rode on the green condor as it flapped its majestic wings.

After two more days of travel, they reached Avax. The green condor landed outside the city. Flying beasts is not allowed inside the city.

Baili and Javis walked towards the gate. At the gate, guards stopped people and asked about their mission in the city.

Soon, it was Javis's turn. The guard gave an annoyed look and said, "Hey kids, where do you think you are going?"

Baili had the urge to kick the guard. Javis answered, "We have an important merchandise that we want to deliver."

"True, let me see it," the guard's tone was more of an order than a request. Even if Javis truly had merchandise he wanted to deliver, there was no way of showing it to the guard. The guard clearly only wanted to humiliate him. "Please, sir, don't joke with us. How can we show you a customer's merchandise? We won't have a good reputation if we do that."

"Hai! You don't want to do it, then scram before I make you scram with a fist."

Javis was a natural hot-blooded youth. On hearing what the guard said, his heart boiled with anger. "I really want to see how you make me scram." Javis didn't give in one bit. The guard was a level two origin realm expert, and he believed he could deal with him.

The guard was infuriated; he threw a punch towards him. Javis dodged and appeared behind him. A "kacha" sound was heard as he hit the guard on the head.

The guard flew and landed on the ground. He was a bit surprised. Standing up, he drew his fist, and spiritual energy gathered in his hands.

In the distance, a middle-aged man was staring at the scene, and there was a young, cold woman beside him.

The man turned to the woman. "What do you think, Bai yi? Isn't this young man interesting?" The cold woman only pursed her lips but didn't say a word.

The guard used his fist technique, imbuing it with spiritual energy. Javis gladly met the fist with his own. There was a "kacha!" sound as the man's fist broke.

He tumbled on the ground like a sandbag. The other guards could no longer continue looking; they pulled out their weapons and advanced.

It was at that moment that the middle-aged man stepped forward.

"Can you please spare me some face and spare this young man?"

The guard who had his fist broken was about to yell, "What the hell, who cares about your face when this father's fist is broken."

But the words got stuck in his throat when he saw the man who spoke up.

He didn't dare say a word, and the guards put away their weapons. Javis looked at the man gratefully. The man made a gesture for Javis to follow him.

Javis paused for a while, contemplating the situation, before nodding. He walked towards Baili and held his hands, and the two entered the city with the middle-aged man.

The cold-looking woman threw them an unpleasant look. Baili and his uncle didn't want to bother with her; they just walked behind them.

Inside the city, a blue-colored cart pulled in front of them. It was pulled by a horse-like ferocious beast. The beast had the body of a horse, albeit very strong, and it had a very thick horn on its head.

It was called the reindeer horse. The coachman opened the cart door, and the middle-aged man and the cold woman entered. He beckoned for Javis and Baili to follow suit.

Inside the carriage, the man looked at Javis and Baili as he asked, "Dear friend, you seem to possess great skills. But I am curious, are you really here to deliver merchandise? Because no matter how I look at it, you don't look anything like a businessman."

Javis didn't want to hide the matter of them being attacked by the devil's race but was worried that they may not be accepted since the people of the city would probably worry that the devil's race may target them for accepting their enemies.

"Actually, my brother and I have been wandering cultivators since our late parents were also wandering cultivators. But we have decided to settle here in Avax since we can't possibly be wandering all our lives."

Javis didn't think there was anything wrong with his answer; there are many wandering cultivators, and it wasn't strange for a wandering cultivator to decide to settle down in one place.

The middle-aged man looked at them for a while, and Javis didn't betray any expression. Even the little Baili didn't break his indifferent expression.

Seeing no expression on their faces, he nodded. "I can help you if you really want to settle here. I am the city lord's brother, Luo Tian."

Baili and Javis nodded in understanding. No wonder the city guards didn't dare to say a word to him; being the brother of the city lord, he naturally possessed immense status.

Luo Tian seemed to know what they were thinking. "Actually, the reason I was feared doesn't have anything to do with my identity of being the brother of the city lord. I don't even have a good relationship with the city lord. Actually, they feared me and my guild, the Wolf Guild."

Baili and Javis paused; they knew what was coming next. The reason Luo Tian saved them was probably to convince them to join their guild.

It's not that they had something against joining the guild; the issue is that the owner of the guild, Luo Tian, is not on good terms with the city lord, and they are even brothers.

It is clear that there must be a power struggle between them.

The cold woman beside Luo Tian didn't seem satisfied with their expression and also added, "The Wolf Guild is the number one guild in the whole province; only the guilds in the capital could be considered better."

The two's expressions didn't change in the slightest; instead, they turned uglier. The arrogant tone of the woman didn't thrill them at all.

After thinking for a while, Javis proposed, "I can join your guild with the condition that I cannot be bound and be able to leave anytime. Also, my brother here will not join; he is still very young. You will have to help us enroll him in the best school in the city or join a sect that doesn't restrict him."

The cold woman frowned and was about to outrightly reject him, but with a wave of Luo Tian's hands, she kept silent.

"I agree," Luo Tian readily agreed. Luo Tian is a cunning man and probably knows what Javis is thinking. He probably doesn't want his brother to get involved with the power struggle and also wanted for him to get the best education and training. This Javis is probably a good brother; so far, they were able to treat his brother well, he will be more loyal.

Javis was glad to hear it; he really doesn't want Baili to get involved in any of this, and also wishes for him to have the best cultivation environment.

"Thank you very much, sir," Javis was grateful. Baili only bowed, he felt that this man is very crafty; he is using him to get Javis's loyalty, and he didn't like it one bit.

Javis is a great talent, so it wasn't surprising that anybody with the ability to detect talents wouldn't try their best to pull him in.

"Anyway, forgive me for being rude for not asking your name earlier," Luo Tian leaned his body on the chair and gave a warm smile.

"My name is Javis, and my brother is Baili."

Luo Tian looked at Baili. "You look quite a talented boy. How old are you?" he asked.

"I am ten years old, sir," Baili answered honestly.

"Ten years, and you are already at the eighth level of body tempering. What a talent." Even the cold woman was quite surprised; after all, Baili and Javis were supposed to be wandering cultivators.