Chapter 011: Ordinary, Rule Prop_1

Perhaps those four prospective Angel Envoys who died in the trial could never imagine that, on the entire airplane, the most precious item might well be the seemingly "ordinary" little hammer in Yi Lin's hand.

Even in the circles of future Angel Envoys, this was an extremely rare "rule prop."

What is a rule prop?

It's a magical little gadget in the Inside World that can function under certain specific "rules."

Take this life-saving hammer, for example.

The instructions were very clear, apart from being able to break "doors" and "windows," there was nothing particularly special about it.

Even if you used this life-saving hammer to hit a person's forehead hard, it wouldn't cause any real damage.

But when it came to anything that conceptually was a "door" or "window," this hammer could shatter it completely unreasonably.

Ignoring logic, ignoring science, ignoring principles, it followed only the "rules."

Yi Lin clutched the [Ordinary Life-Saving Hammer] fondly before stowing it back in her Storage Space.

It seemed so mundane on ordinary days, but in certain special circumstances, it was akin to a "Divine Artifact."

"I didn't expect to randomly draw an item from the ordinary series; does this really live up to its S-grade evaluation..."

Yi Lin remembered that the ordinary series had many interesting props, but she had never had the chance to own one.


The ordinary insecticide.

The ordinary lubricant.

The ordinary water bottle.

And so on.

All of them seemed so utterly commonplace.



Yi Lin slept through the night and arrived at school on time the next day.

The teachers and classmates at Qingcheng High School didn't show much confusion over Siao Yang's absence.

Just like always, Yi Lin attended her classes as normal, joining the others during P.E. class under the careful guidance of the teacher, practicing the Body Strengthening Technique and Dragon Swim Steps, without showing the slightest bit of abnormality.

During this time, Yi Lin took a moment to call Siao Yang.

Exactly three times.

As school was nearing its end, the homeroom teacher stopped Yi Lin, who was about to leave, and asked casually, "Yi Lin, it seems that Siao Yang hasn't come to school all day today? As his good friend, you should also advise him. Although he has shown attribute values far beyond an ordinary student in the initial test and has been pre-admitted by many key universities' Special War Departments, as a student, he should still come to school..."

She rambled on and on.

An embarrassed expression crossed Yi Lin's face, and she could only nod incessantly.

"Teacher, I understand... but as you know, Siao Yang and us ordinary students are not in the same world. Whether he listens to what I say..."

"Genius? What about geniuses! Hmph, I've seen plenty of geniuses, but the number of those who make a name for themselves in history is also very few. Even geniuses can't neglect their studies and training, otherwise, they'll fade into the crowd!"

The homeroom teacher seemed frustrated with the situation.

"By the way, Yi Lin, I heard you're quite interested in 'Tower Studies'?"

"A little," Yi Lin nodded, then smiled helplessly, "You know, teacher, my overall attribute value isn't high, so if I want to get into a key university, I can only apply for this nationally focused discipline."

The homeroom teacher patted Yi Lin's shoulder firmly, encouraging her, "Don't worry, you are a very smart student, and your Mental Attribute wasn't bad during the initial test. I believe in you! Look at that famous Tower Studies researcher, Molly, she's only 18 years old, about your age, but because she has accomplished something in 'Tower Studies,' she's also listed as a 'national level key protected talent."

Molly is different, after all...

Yi Lin let out a long sigh in her heart, thinking of someone, but she didn't speak her thoughts out loud.

Seeing that Yi Lin didn't respond, the homeroom teacher didn't continue to ramble on. She gathered her things and said with a smile, "There are just over ten days until the 're-test.' You know that then, there will be special authoritative personnel using the most professional testing instruments to 're-test' you all. Remember to adjust your state, nurture your spirit, and strive for good results!"

"I understand, teacher."

Having walked a few steps, the homeroom teacher turned back and admonished, "Remember to remind Siao Yang not to skip classes all the time. It won't look good on his record."

Yi Lin nodded awkwardly, "I'll try talking to Siao Yang and persuade him then."

"That's the spirit! Good friends must encourage each other!"

The homeroom teacher shook his head and sighed as he walked further away.

He didn't see the slight, imperceptible curve that hooked at the corner of Yi Lin's mouth behind him.



Yi Lin took the city's maglev public transportation directly to the neighborhood where Siao Yang's house was located.

Upon arriving at the door, Yi Lin dialed Siao Yang's number again.

"I'm still that same boy, unchanged even slightly, time is but a test, the belief seeded in my heart has not lessened one bit..."

A classical ringtone from the last century played from behind the door.

Then, Yi Lin input the code to Siao Yang's front gate and pushed the door open to enter.

"Guest, welcome."

The sweet voice of the AI Housekeeper was heartwarming.

"Siao Yang? Siao Yang? Are you home?"

Yi Lin looked around, his expression revealing an appropriately measured mix of confusion and tension.

When Yi Lin finally "accidentally discovered" Siao Yang's body, he screamed with a voice he had already warmed up downstairs.




30 minutes later.

Over a dozen police cars, their red and blue lights flashing, heavily surrounded the entire neighborhood.

Several layers of police tape were strung up at the entrance, forbidding anyone from entering or exiting.

Xu Zhiyong squatted in front of the body, donning thin latex gloves, carefully inspecting the corpse on the ground with a grim death expression.

"Throat slit with one clean cut, blood loss matches, hmm... no other marks on the body, it looks like even without waiting for a medical examiner, we can determine this is the fatal wound..."

"This case is a bit troublesome..."

At this moment, a young police officer whispered to Xu Zhiyong, "Brother Xu, Captain Gu has arrived."


Xu Zhiyong stood up and turned around to see a short-haired, handsome woman with an austere face walking in with a grim expression.

"Old Xu, how could such a major incident happen without you informing me?"

The woman's face was frosty, showing no regard for Xu Zhiyong's pride, she spoke coldly in front of everyone.

"Well, wasn't Captain Gu on leave? So..."

"Hmph, in the face of evil, there is no holiday. After all these years, don't you even understand that? If the higher-ups hadn't notified me... Never mind, just tell me the situation."

"Yes, Team Leader!" Xu Zhiyong showed no sign of displeasure on his face; in fact, he didn't dare to be displeased.

Gu Sinan, female, 25 years old, graduated two years ago from the Capital Key Academy's Special War Department with top grades in all subjects, adept in various military skills, a genius among geniuses with total attribute scores of 11 in Strength, Agility, and Mental, it's a mystery why someone like her was assigned to a small place like Qingcheng.

The original leader of the Qingcheng Police Station's First Detective Team was Xu Zhiyong, but when Gu Sinan arrived, even Xu Zhiyong, seasoned as he was, had to willingly step aside after witnessing her capability and strength; the future was, after all, for the young.

"The deceased, Siao Yang, male, 18 years old."

Xu Zhiyong began to elucidate the findings of the investigation.
