Chapter 10 Bird Gun Replaced by a Cannon_1

Yi Lin's screen pop-up a prompt—

[Chaos value insufficient, unable to upgrade]

But Yi Lin was not shocked; instead, she was delighted.

It can still be upgraded!

This is defying the heavens!

Even Yi Lin, who knew many of the future trajectories, couldn't help but gasp at this moment.

All that the "Apocalypse Knight module" concealed, Yi Lin had never heard of before.

To Yi Lin, the function of this module was like in previous games, progressing from an ordinary profession to a hidden profession…

This kind of advancement, it's like changing from a smoking pipe to a blowgun, from a blowgun to a musket, and from a musket to a cannon, becoming mightier with each change.



Upon exiting that mysterious and profound dark space, Yi Lin found herself still in her room, lying on the bed.

Then she checked the time.

Only three minutes had passed.

In that Talent Tree Space, it seemed there was no concept of time or space, and the long time Yi Lin spent there amounted to nothing more than a fleeting moment in the real world, a snap of the fingers.

"Is it similar to a Mental Domain..."

A wave of dizziness hit her like a tide, with a piercing pain between her brows.

Yi Lin almost didn't manage to keep from vomiting at the edge of the bed.

Finally, when she managed to regain her composure, Yi Lin casually opened the Apostle Panel and saw that her Psychic Point count had dwindled to double digits.

"I didn't expect that editing the module would consume so much Spiritual Energy..."

Yi Lin rubbed her forehead, waiting for the intense dizziness to subside before feeling much more comfortable.

Three years, Yi Lin had been reborn from the Tower Epoch in 2125 back to a time before the apocalypse, and three whole years had passed.

It took three years of planning to make a perfect first step.

To become an Angel Envoy.

Yi Lin had planned for a full three years to ensure she could become an Angel Envoy without fail.


Yi Lin took a deep breath.

"All this is just the beginning."

Yi Lin still had two doubts about the changes in herself that she couldn't figure out.

First, during the trial mission settlement, her charm and luck had actually experienced negative growth.

This was a bizarre situation that Yi Lin had never encountered before.

Even weirder was the fact that the 0.2 deducted from her charm and luck was evenly distributed among her other attributes.

Strength, Agility, Energy, Will... Total attribute increase was a whopping 1.0.

In the future, how to maximize attribute enhancement in the Inside World was no longer a secret among the Angel Envoy circle.

Every time an Angel Envoy enters the Inside World and survives the brutal tasks, "the Tower" would evaluate the Angel Envoy's performance and give a rating based on it.

Based on the final rating, different degrees of attribute enhancement and random rewards would be given.

The rating levels are as follows: D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS.

And the total attributes that can be increased according to the rating are: +0.1, +0.2, +0.4, +0.6, +0.8, +1.0, +1.5...

In the Inside World, besides attributes and skills, there is another important metric to assess the strength of an Angel Envoy...

It is the Level.

In other words, "Tower levels."

The higher the Angel Envoy level, it means the Angel Envoy has reached a higher level of "the Tower," the trials faced in the Inside World are thus more terrifying, but the accompanying rewards are also higher.

As the saying goes, the greater the risk, the higher the reward, and this is exactly the case.

Angel Envoys, frankly, are all Outlaws living on the edge.

Yi Lin comes from the future, and she is extremely familiar with most of the rules of the Inside World.

After all, in the future, these rules of the Inside World have been thoroughly researched by the Angel Envoys.

In the clearance evaluation, the D, C, B, A ratings respectively enable a Level increase of one, two, three, four levels.

For S grade evaluations and above, the number of levels increased won't change, but the total attribute increase and random rewards will be significantly boosted.

Only with an S grade evaluation or higher is there a chance to draw random rewards twice.

Let's take the simplest example.

If an Apostle goes through the Inside World trials four times and receives a D grade evaluation each time, then the total attribute increase is 0.4.

But like Yi Lin, who received an S grade evaluation in a single trial and also advanced four levels, the total attribute increase is 0.8.

That's double the amount.

Although four trials in the Inside World might yield more random rewards.

But in fact...

For Apostles, attributes are more important than multifunctional props or some fluffy skills!

Attributes are the foundation of all strength!

Moreover, no Apostle can guarantee they will survive every trial to the end.

Nearly 10 years have passed since November 11, 2111, of the Tower Epoch.

In these ten years, who knows how many Apostles have fallen in these cruel trials, with no one knowing.

Therefore, the most discussed topic among the future Apostles is how to achieve higher clearance evaluations in the trials.

S grade, SS level, and even...

SSS grade.


"This chaos value that can be used to edit the Apocalypse Knight module... what the hell is it?"

Yi Lin carefully searched his mind for information about this, but in the end, he found nothing.

He was certain that in "that future" he experienced, no one in the Apostle Circle had ever mentioned any information about "chaos value."

And the 800 chaos points Yi Lin received for killing an E-grade Undead during the preparatory Apostle trial.

But the enigmatic existence of Undead doesn't emerge in every trial.

Furthermore, the appearance of an Undead in the trial signifies that the difficulty level of the entire stage will surge dramatically.

If this is the only way to earn chaos points, it's a bit too tragic for Yi Lin.

The conjecture Yi Lin arrived at through reasoning and contemplation was that his inexplicably negative-charmed and luck attributes...

As well as the origin-unknown "chaos value"...

Should all be related to the [Apocalypse Knight module].

"I can only wait until the next time I enter the Inside World to possibly find an answer..."

Yi Lin sighed, deciding not to waste any more brainpower and time on these insufficiently informed issues.


Yi Lin touched the grey Skull Brand on his chest.

It's the proof of being registered as an Apostle in the Tower of Death.

While gaining the power of an Apostle, it also meant that from now on, Yi Lin's life no longer belonged to him.

But to that mysterious and unfathomable Tower.

The giant Tower known as [Death].


Yi Lin had a thought, and he concentrated his Spirit on the Skull Brand in front of his chest.

Soon, his Spirit entered a space about 1 cubic meter in size.

This was the Storage Space he unlocked after becoming a "First Stage Apostle."

In the Storage Space, a lone Grey Card floated aimlessly.

With a thought from Yi Lin, as his consciousness returned to reality, the grey card appeared in his hand.

The Grey Card depicted an Ordinary Life-Saving Hammer in red.


[Ordinary Life-Saving Hammer]


[Description]This is an Ordinary Life-Saving Hammer that, apart from knocking open doors and windows, is unremarkable. Remaining uses: 3/3.
