Chapter 118 This problem is too difficult! (Ask for subscription)_3

How could you not beat him to death?

How could you not beat him to death?

How could he not die?

Yes, beat him to death alive!

At the top of Wayne Tower.

Bruce Wayne fell completely silent.

He admitted that this young man who claimed to be the "Riddle Gentleman" far exceeded his expectations.

This riddle was so long, so difficult to guess.

He looked at it for a long time but, apart from a bit of a clue towards the end, he couldn't figure out the rest.

Even the time of the crime left Bruce Wayne completely clueless.

Bruce took a small sip of his drink, looking at the three enchanting and luscious bodies on the bed.

This time, he had no reaction whatsoever.

His mind was filled with that strange puzzle.

"Could it be that I'm really getting old?"

Bruce Wayne shook his head helplessly, reminiscing about his past battles of wits with the Riddler and the Penguin, feeling quite sentimental.

But this time...


There was a continuous vibration on the desk.