Chapter 118 This problem is too difficult! (Ask for subscription)_2

"I am everywhere,"

"Tonight, Gotham will go mad with my fireworks,"

"The gentleman will arrive at the heart of the fireworks, plucking the laurel of the old Dark King."

"I... am who?"

Everyone looked astonished.

Completely baffled but impressed.

Yet it seemed profound on first hearing it.

In the brief video, the Riddle Gentleman finished speaking the mysterious riddle, his lips pressed tightly together, revealing a barely noticeable hint of melancholy which was quickly replaced by a confident smile.

The "Riddle Gentleman" elegantly touched the brim of his hat and through the screen, performed a gentlemanly salute to every viewer watching the live broadcast.

The salute froze for about a second.


The video from the "Riddle Gentleman" came to an abrupt end.


Li Erpang: "Show off!"

Zhu Yun'er: "Show off! +1"

Su Xiaosu: "Show off. +2"

Justice Pan: "Show-off youth +3, hehehehe——"