Chapter 121: Who Dominates Gotham's Darkness (Seeking Monthly Pass)_1

This night.

Gotham was destined for unrest.

As the sky began to lighten.

The fires and cries that filled every corner of Gotham City gradually subsided.

James Gordon's eyes were bloodshot.

Staring at the gradually rising red sun in the sky.

The first thought in his mind was—

This damn day has finally dawned.

Almost all facilities in Gotham City had come to a halt.

Bruce Wayne issued a notice first thing in the morning through GBC.

"The repair of all facilities in Gotham City will be funded by Wayne Enterprises."

Hurray for the sugar daddy!

After this news was broadcast throughout the city, hundreds of thousands of Gotham citizens praised Bruce Wayne.

Money power is just that simple, unadorned, and dull.

Yi Lin hid by the seaside.

Miller Port.

This area was bombed first, with routes in and out cut off, Miller Port was now deserted and eerily quiet.

Now that the main mission two was completed.