Chapter 121: Who Dominates Gotham's Darkness (Seeking Monthly Pass)_2

James Gordon would not like the media to report that he was able to become the police chief thanks to Old Gordon.

Even if that was the truth.

He also didn't want to hear that kind of reporting.

So deliberately or otherwise, he seldom appeared in public in Gotham City at the same time as Old Gordon.

At the very least, in the eyes of Gotham's citizens, he was still an excellent police chief striving to maintain Gotham's zero crime rate.

But after those damn criminals appeared out of nowhere.

Everything changed!

The Gotham Police Department exploded on the spot!

And it exploded right in front of him.

That damn Riddle Gentleman!

That damn Edward Rin!

Those damn criminals!

Crack: "Damn——"

After calming himself with great difficulty, James Gordon searched around Old Gordon's house with eyes red with anger, but couldn't find Old Gordon anywhere.

"Could he be upstairs?"

James Gordon felt a sudden thump in his heart.

His father wasn't answering his phone calls.