Chapter 140 "Big-eyed Fat Rabbit" (Thanks to 'Li Someone 1999' for the support!)_2

Contact Ou Lelle.

"Lelle, are you ready to shut down the entire city's surveillance system? Haiting City's surveillance system is quite advanced, you know."

"Don't call me Lelle, my name is Ou Lelle!" Ou Lelle first grumbled discontentedly, then with a tinge of unease, asked, "Are you sure we can really do this? What if something goes wrong..."

"Don't worry, I'll notify Zhao Yulong."

"Huh? When did this happen?" Upon hearing this, Ou Lelle couldn't help but feel stunned.

Such a big deal, how could I, Ou Lelle, not know about it?

Yi Lin: "It's about to happen later."

Ou Lelle: "???"



Yi Lin silently looked at Zhao Yulong's profile picture.

"Forget it, I'll report it afterwards."


Yi Lin sat in the corner.

Overlooking the entire city.

At his feet was a bucket of popcorn.

And two cups of hand-brewed coffee.

With the long night ahead, some preparation was necessary after all.

This mandatory real-world task was already on its second day.