Chapter 140 "Big-eyed Fat Rabbit" (Thanks to 'Li Someone 1999' for the support!)_3

Instantly, it pushed several other hot posts down.

By the way, before Li Erpang appeared, the original hot posts were—

[Celebrity Li Changge suffers from jealousy of a fanatical fan, who actually sent a life-sized doll that could explode!]

[The cross-dressing boss tirelessly searches for a nimble squinty-eyed fatty! Please, Fatty Sir, come take the cross-dressing boss away!]

[C13 train explosion——beep beep beep]

The subsequent content has been 404'd.

In any case.

As soon as the new hot post appeared, it gained hundreds of thousands of views and likes within a few minutes.

The speed with which it caught fire was truly terrifying.

Of course, what no one knew was.

Ou Lelle was secretly laughing behind the scenes, discreetly enjoying the moment.

The traffic of the other hot posts was unknowingly reduced by him.

This sort of maneuver was incredibly simple for Ou Lelle.