Jessa had invited me out the following morning to go into town. She was concerned that I’d been spending all of my time either training or attending meetings. I needed “girl time” and “retail therapy,” according to her. I didn’t agree but I wasn’t going to fight her, she was determined.
I also had to admit, I needed a little break from it all. I’d told Wren that I loved him. I didn’t mean to say it, it just slipped out in a rather delicate moment. We were mates. That felt both incredibly right to say and incredibly odd at the same time.
My feelings were confusing and there was so much going on with this pissing contest of a war, I didn’t want to repeat the mistakes of my past. Did I actually love Caine? Were my feelings toward him real if his toward me were so false? I didn’t know how to trust myself. I didn’t want to ruin something that felt so right, something that could be forever.