Elon is right about one thing, Mia loves the car. She has no idea how he guessed, but even down to the color, it’s the perfect fit. While it’s clearly a new car, it looks inconspicuous enough that no one really bothered to question her about it.
It’s a decent-sized charcoal hatchback, sleek and modern with speeds that even Mia can’t help but enjoy testing. It’s a hybrid, so when Mia’s at Elon’s apartment, she can use the electric chargers there but also use gas when she needs to.
It’s hands down the best gift she’s ever received in her life.
That being said, it’s doing nothing to alleviate her confusion about Elon. Every time she sees him, her heart is filled with…hope. Not to mention, fear.
She knows what she wants, but whether or not she’s allowed to have it is another thing entirely. No matter how much she wants to, she can’t seem to bring herself to say it back. Not that Elon’s said those words again, but the moment just never feels right to her.