Chapter 49 : Going Down Swinging

Mia sits quietly on their back porch, feeling the warm breeze blow over her face as she gets lost in her thoughts. She’s had a lot of time to think over the past few weeks, not to mention a lot of things to think about.

As she looks out into their backyard, she sees an ant trying to crawl up a flower. Every time it gets close to the petals, she sees the ant lose its grip and fall back onto the grass below. Yet, for some reason, it doesn’t stop trying to get to the top of the flower.

She smiles as it begins its ascent back up the stem, and she can’t help but wonder what that ant hopes to gain from the action. Maybe all it wants is a meal, but Mia chooses to believe that it wants to see the world from a little higher up. The view must be incredible for it to be worth all that effort, right?