Chapter 19: Idle Chat 1 - The God's Worries

This is troublesome.

I am one of the cosmic administrators.

An entity referred to as a god.

The source of my headache is...

Takashi's abnormal rate of growth.

I've made another mistake.

Due to some pre-existing errors on my part, I've granted him various privileges to ensure he survives safely in this otherworldly transfer. Ordinarily, experience points can't be gained. However, when monsters or beasts die within the barriers he's set up, I mistakenly counted it as experience points gained through his extermination efforts. This in itself would have been fine, but in my inexperience with such matters, I accidentally set the experience gain to be much higher than it should be. Roughly a hundred times more.

Furthermore, not only did I enhance the experience gain, but I also intended to offer him a bonus of +2 to his base constitution whenever a certain amount of experience points accumulated. But, due to my mishandling of settings, I ended up multiplying his constitution by two. Undoing this incorrectly applied enhancement would be tricky. A sudden decrease in constitution could lead to problems. I might even end up accidentally killing him. I'm not good with fine adjustments. For safety reasons, I'm left with no choice but to leave the experience points and constitution he's already gained as they are.

I intended for him to gain extra experience points from his daily life experiences as well, but once again, due to an oversight, he ended up getting much more than I planned. About a hundred times more again.

As a result, Takashi's constitution has become abnormally high. He seemed quite surprised by it...

Although he hasn't noticed yet, an increase in constitution also brings simultaneous boosts to agility, attack power, defense, and even cognitive abilities.

Due to the rise in defense, he's currently akin to having a protective barrier draped over his skin. That's why he can easily defeat monsters barehanded.

Furthermore, the magical tools he's creating are far more advanced than what we anticipated. This has made him capable of easily exterminating beasts and monsters as well.

And to think he even possesses the skill to cultivate magical tools...

I can only hope that he won't misuse these powers. I wish for him to utilize this power for the betterment of this world.

Well, I haven't revealed the whole truth yet. The cause of the hole that he fell into in this world also traces back to us. We'll need to continue to consider his well-being moving forward.

Ah, it's quite troubling.