Chapter 20: General-Use and Specialized

It seems that magical tools can be classified into general-use and specialized types.

Specialized tools can only be used by their creator.

The wristband I first created and wore falls into this category.

I later learned that had I worn it immediately, it could have been a general-use item.

Once a tool is designated as specialized, it can't be changed back to general-use.

General-use tools are items that anyone can use, but their usage can also be restricted.

Furthermore, depending on the function of a magical tool, it might not function unless used by the creator or someone authorized by the creator. Strangely, some of the magical tools I created have personality assessment functions. Individuals who intend to misuse the tool cannot be specified by me, the creator, or any designated agents. Additionally, if someone attempts to misuse the tool, they might be expelled by the tool's user.

Of course, I can change the users of the magical tools I create. However, once a tool has been designated for a specific user, it can't be reverted to being usable by anyone. So, it's a rather substantial responsibility. But I wonder if the cosmic administrator, who is a god, trusts me or not. I assume that some sort of safety net or check mechanism is in place to prevent mistakes. Whether the cosmic... well, god, is overprotective, cautious, or simply nervous is unclear. Maybe they just have a complex personality?

Useful magical tools for daily life or basic weaponry can be created as general-use tools that anyone can use. Mid-level weaponry and armor can be restricted to specific users. High-level and above tools could only be created for my personal use.

Did the god set it up this way to prevent misuse?

Is it necessary to limit the creation of tools with advanced functionalities to personal use for prevention purposes?

I feel the need to reaffirm my responsibility to meet the god's trust.

Yet, can I really be entrusted with such significant decision-making power?

Deciding which general-use items to line the magical tool shop with is a decision that has been made, but I need to figure out what kinds of items to display.

Perhaps I need to start gathering information first.