Chapter 2: First Day of Creating Magical Tools

As I pondered what to do, the words "Skill: Magical Tool Creation" came to mind.

I promptly used that skill and envisioned a menu in my mind!

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Do you want to use the skill?

Yes No

I chose "Yes" in my mind.

The menu appeared again.

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Which function do you want to use? (Up to 5 times per day)

Magical Tool Creation (Once per day)

Convert Items into Magical Tools (Twice per day)

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools (Twice per day)


I wasn't sure if converting items into magical tools would work.

So, let's start with "Magical Tool Creation."

In my mind, I selected "Magical Tool Creation."

The menu appeared once more.

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Magical Tool Creation

Please choose the form.

Bracelet (Left) Ring (Left Index Finger)



A choice between two options.

Should I choose the "Bracelet"?

In my mind, I selected "Bracelet."

Alright, what's next?

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Magical Tool Creation

Bracelet (Left)

Please choose one function.

Simplified Appraisal (All)

Storage (With time passage, 1 cubic meter)

Simple Barrier Construction (2-meter radius)


Which one should I choose?

Considering the current situation, "Simplified Appraisal" or "Simple Barrier Construction."

With "Simplified Appraisal," I could identify sources of food and potential threats.

With "Simple Barrier Construction," I could protect myself from danger.

Looking at the second menu, it seemed I could add functions two more times today.

So, for now, let's start with "Simplified Appraisal."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Magical Tool Creation

Bracelet (Left)

Simplified Appraisal (All)

Magic Storage 10

Is this acceptable?

Yes No

"Magic Storage"?

What's that?

Can "Simplified Appraisal" provide information about this?

I have no choice but to move forward.

In my mind, I selected "Yes."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Magical Tool Creation

Bracelet (Left)

Simplified Appraisal (All)

Magic Storage 10

Would you like to immediately wear the bracelet after creation?

Yes No



In my mind, I selected "Yes."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Magical Tool Creation

Bracelet (Left)

Simplified Appraisal (All)

Magic Storage 10

Iron 20g Copper 20g Zinc 10g

Tin 5g Aluminum 10g Silicon 20g

Nickel 10g Chromium 5g Carbon 20g Titanium 5g

Prepare materials that include the listed items.

Once ready, place the materials on the white board in front of you.

When the required amount of materials is gathered and the board turns red, recite "Execute Magical Tool Creation."


A white board appeared before me.

However, this was a problem.

Do I need materials?

Where can I get such materials...?

Ah, coins.

I have paper clips and magnets in my stationery.

In my tools, there are extra screws and nails.

Rocks probably contain metals too.

I hit a nearby rock with my geological hammer and picked up some stones.

I used a dried twig as a source of carbon.

Stainless steel nails, stainless screws.

A paper clip.

Is there still something missing?

What's missing?

Copper? Aluminum? Titanium?

I might have to use one of my titanium camping mugs.

I only have two of those mugs.

These cups are expensive!

I didn't want to use coins, but since this is likely not Japan, I'll just use them.

I placed a few 5 yen and 1 yen coins on the board.

The board turned red.

From there, it was trial and error.

I managed to reduce the materials a bit, but it seemed I had no choice but to use one titanium mug as a material.

"Execute Magical Tool Creation."

The board with the materials emitted light, and the materials wrapped in light disappeared.

A bracelet was now on my left wrist.

It was a silver bracelet.

It wasn't too tight, fitting just right without causing discomfort.

Where the board was, there were a few metal spheres, quartz, and black smoke-like orbs rolling around.

Are these leftover materials?

Of course, I collected them.

A message appeared in my mind.

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Magical Tool Creation Complete

Bracelet (Left)

Simplified Appraisal (All)

To initiate "Simplified Appraisal," think or recite "Simplified Appraisal."

Magic Storage: 10/10

As the supply of magic power from the wearer is not possible, the bracelet uses 1 unit of magic power from its storage every 3 minutes.

With the automatic magic storage function of the bracelet, 1 unit of stored magic power will be replenished in 10 minutes.

Once finished reading, please think "Understood."

I thought "Understood."

According to this explanation, I can use "Simplified Appraisal" continuously for 39 minutes, and then I should be able to use it again after 1 minute. I'll need to use it efficiently.

Does "Skill: Magical Tool Creation" require magic power?

Considering the previous explanation, since I can't supply magic power myself, I probably won't be using magic power for "Skill: Magical Tool Creation."

Let's try using "Simplified Appraisal" right away.

Simplified Appraisal (All) - Main Page

Choose the appraisal you want to perform by thinking or reciting.

Self Appraisal

Current Location Appraisal

Material Appraisal

Person Appraisal

Magical Tool Appraisal

Item Appraisal

Cooking Appraisal

Illness Appraisal

Medicine Appraisal

Animal Appraisal

Plant Appraisal

Monster Appraisal

Inorganic Matter Appraisal

Term Appraisal

Event Appraisal

Other Appraisal


Remaining Magic Power: 9/10

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ □

It seems it displays how long I can use each function. Let's start with "Self Appraisal."

Self Appraisal

Suzuki Takashi


Vitality: 20/20

Magic: 0

Skills: Magical Tool Creation



Remaining Magic Power: 9/10

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ □ □

Magic is at 0, huh?

That's fine, but what's "Vitality"?

Oops, the screen changed.

Term Appraisal


When it reaches 0, death occurs shortly after.

Average value for adult males on this planet is 20.

Starts at 1 at birth.

Decreases with injuries, illnesses, fatigue, and other damage to the body.

Recovers through meals, rest, and recovery potions.

Experience accumulation and physical fitness training can increase the maximum value.



Remaining Magic Power: 9/10

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ □ □

Vitality reaching 0 doesn't mean instant death, it seems. "Shortly after" how long, though? Perhaps there's a window for revival, maybe a state of suspended animation? Maybe it refers to a state of temporary death. No magic power...

However, is there a link between the appraisals?

This is quite handy.

Let's try "Current Location Appraisal."

Current Location Appraisal

Asuha Star

Center of Freia Forest, Freia Kingdom, Hario Continent



Remaining Magic Power: 9/10

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ □ □ □ □

Yes, a notification of completion.

It's not Japan.

It's not Earth.

I had a feeling, but this confirms it.

It was the moment my hopes were shattered.

Then, "Term Appraisal, Asuha Star."

Term Appraisal

Asuha Star

A planet in a different universe than Earth.

A world parallel to Earth.

Environments like temperature, atmospheric composition, and humans are similar to Earth.

Physical phenomena resemble those on Earth, but magic power is more abundant on this planet.



Remaining Magic Power: 9/10

■ ■ ■ ■ □ □ □ □ □ □

"Term Appraisal, Magic."

Term Appraisal


Energy present in the land, atmosphere, water, and living beings on Asuha Star.

Exceptions exist.

Quantity varies based on location.

Fuel for generating magical phenomena.



Remaining Magic Power: 9/10

■ ■ ■ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

So, with a magic power of 0, I can't use magic, it seems.

I'm relieved that magic power can be stored in magical tools. Without that, these tools would be useless.

I want to know more, but these simple appraisals might be all I can get.

Can I eat the fruits there?

"Plant Appraisal."

Plant Appraisal - Activated



Remaining Magic Power: 9/10

■ ■ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

I gained a basic understanding of the names of the consciously viewed plants and their simple uses.

The apple-like fruit called "Apkian" is edible and can be used to make sugar.

The honeydew-like cluster called "Yanamitsuco" is also edible and has a stamina-recovery effect.

It seems to be a material for stamina recovery potions.

The mini-daifuku-like thing called "Daifu" is edible too and has a magic-recovery effect.

It seems to be a material for magic recovery potions.

There are also many medicinal herbs around.

Plant Appraisal - Active



Remaining Magic Power: 9/10

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

I finished the appraisals here.

The sun in this world was right above me.

It seemed it would be directly overhead in about an hour.

It's a convenient skill, "Skill: Magical Tool Creation."

I think I need to use it to ensure my safety.

Let's use "Skill: Magical Tool Creation."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Do you want to use the skill?

Yes No

Of course, I selected "Yes" in my mind.

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Which function do you want to use? (Up to 5 times per day)

Magical Tool Creation (1 time per day, today's quota reached)

Convert Items into Magical Tools (2 times per day)

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools (2 times per day)


I selected "Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools

Please choose the target magical tool.

Bracelet (Worn on the Left Arm) - Simplified Appraisal (All)


Naturally, I chose "Bracelet (Worn on the Left Arm) - Simplified Appraisal (All)."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools

Bracelet (Worn on the Left Arm) - Simplified Appraisal (All)

Please select the action to perform.

Add Function

Swap Function

Remove Function


I selected "Add Function."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools

Bracelet (Worn on the Left Arm) - Simplified Appraisal (All)

Add Function

Please choose the function to add.

Storage (With time passage, 1 cubic meter)

Simple Barrier Construction (2-meter radius)


Storage is appealing, but I'm worried about magic power, so let's start with "Simple Barrier Construction" for safety.

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools

Bracelet (Worn on the Left Arm) - Simplified Appraisal (All)

Add Function

Simple Barrier Construction (2-meter radius)


Yes Return

Of course, I chose "Yes."

The bracelet emitted light!

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Magical Tool Function Addition/Removal

Add Function Complete

Bracelet (Left Arm) - Simplified Appraisal (All)

Add Simple Barrier Construction

When you think or recite "Simple Barrier," a simple barrier will be constructed in a 2-meter radius, including underground.

Magic power storage state: 9/10 (Shared with appraisal)

Since magic power cannot be supplied from the wearer's magic power, 1 unit of magic power will be consumed in 10 minutes.

Automatic magic power recovery function of the bracelet will recover 1 unit of stored magic power in 10 minutes.

Air passes through the barrier.

It can repel attacks from intermediate-level monsters around 10 times.

It can repel sword and arrow attacks around 20 times.

It can repel magic attacks around 5 times.

The barrier will be destroyed or removed by "Release Simple Barrier."

When you finish reading, please think "Understood."

Maintaining this barrier seems to consume almost negligible magic power. However, there's no way to recover magic power, and it's vulnerable to magic attacks.

Now, let's try using "Simple Barrier."

Simple Barrier

I thought "Simple Barrier."

A membrane-like structure formed around me.

I set up a simple tent within this barrier.

Now, let's use "Skill: Magical Tool Creation."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Do you want to use the skill?

Yes No

Of course, I chose "Yes" in my mind.

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Which function do you want to use? (Up to 5 times per day)

Magical Tool Creation (1 time per day, today's quota reached)

Convert Items into Magical Tools (2 times per day)

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools (1 time per day, 1 time remaining)


I selected "Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools

Please choose the target magical tool.

Tent 1 - Simple Barrier


Naturally, I chose "Tent 1 - Simple Barrier."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools

Tent 1 - Simple Barrier

Please select the action to perform.

Add Function

Swap Function

Remove Function


I selected "Add Function."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools

Tent 1 - Simple Barrier

Add Function

Please choose the function to add.

Internal Expansion (5 cubic meters)

Defense Barrier (5-meter radius)



Air Conditioning


For safety, let's choose "Defense Barrier."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools

Tent 1 - Simple Barrier

Add Function

Defense Barrier (5-meter radius)


Yes Return

I selected "Yes."

The tent emitted light!

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools

Tent 1 - Simple Barrier

Add Function Complete

Defense Barrier (5-meter radius)

Touch the barrier with your hand and think or recite "Defense Barrier" to construct a defense barrier with a 5-meter radius, including underground.

Magic power storage state: 25/25

1 unit of magic power will be consumed in 20 minutes.

Automatic magic power recovery function of the tent will recover 1 unit of stored magic power in 10 minutes.

Air passes through the barrier.

The caster can enter and exit.

It can repel attacks from advanced-level monsters around 20 times.

It can repel sword, arrow, and spear attacks around 200 times.

It can repel advanced magic attacks around 20 times.

With stored magic power, even if it's destroyed, the barrier can be automatically rebuilt by consuming magic power.

"Release Defense Barrier" will remove the defense barrier.

When you finish reading, please think "Understood."

The defense barrier seems quite powerful. I activated the defense barrier of the tent immediately and deactivated the bracelet's "Simple Barrier."

Since the defense barrier covers the area around the tent, it's convenient. This tent seems to be meant for solo use and will likely be my shelter when I'm not sleeping.

I wonder if I can expand the interior even further. But before that, I started charging my smartphone and tablet computer using the solar charger.

I also harvested "Apkian," "Yanamitsuco," and "Daifu," as well as gathered some dried branches that might work as firewood.

I need to secure food and fuel before any monsters or animals approach.

The water situation is a concern. There doesn't seem to be a water source nearby, which is troublesome. Water is essential for survival.

Well, having a water source might attract dangerous creatures like monsters and beasts.

It's now midday, and the sun is directly overhead. It's around 11:20 AM according to my smartphone.

For lunch, I had a rice ball and 250 ml of tea. I also tried eating "Daifu." It's like a mini daifuku, although the filling is coarse red bean paste.

I decided to expand the interior of the tent.

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Do you want to use the skill?

Yes No

I selected "Yes."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Which function do you want to use? (Up to 5 times per day)

Magical Tool Creation (1 time per day, today's quota reached)

Convert Items into Magical Tools (2 times per day)

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools (1 time per day, 1 time remaining)


I selected "Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools

Please choose the target magical tool.

Tent 1 - Defense Barrier


I selected "Tent 1 - Defense Barrier."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools

Tent 1 - Defense Barrier

Please select the action to perform.

Add Function

Swap Function

Remove Function


I selected "Add Function."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools

Tent 1 - Defense Barrier

Add Function

Please choose the function to add.

Internal Expansion (5 cubic meters)



Air Conditioning


Let's choose "Internal Expansion."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools

Tent 1 - Defense Barrier

Add Function

Internal Expansion (5 cubic meters)


Yes Return

I selected "Yes."

Tent 1 emitted light!

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Magical Tool Function Addition/Removal Complete

Tent 1 - Defense Barrier

Internal Expansion (5 cubic meters)

Touch the tent and think or recite "Internal Expansion" to activate it.

Magic power storage state: 24/25

1 unit of magic power will be consumed in 60 minutes.

Automatic magic power recovery function of the tent will recover 1 unit of stored magic power in 10 minutes.

Can be activated at any time.

Deactivate with "Release Internal Expansion."

When you finish reading, please think "Understood."

"Internal Expansion"

I brought a lantern from my camping gear into the tent. It's a 5-cubic meter space with nothing inside. The floor is made of tent fabric, but I can't feel the sensation of the ground. There's no sensation of cold or dampness coming from the ground. This space should be comfortable enough to sleep in.

I don't have a sleeping bag this time. I have no bedding. Although I have an inflatable pillow that's usually in my backpack. Could I create bedding with "Convert Items into Magical Tools"? Maybe at least a blanket or sleeping bag.

I tried using "Convert Items into Magical Tools" on various items to see what kind of functions I could add. I went as far as selecting the function before canceling the process to check the available options.

An eco-bag had a storage function (20 cubic meters, time stop). Incredible! That's a jackpot! But today, I need to secure bedding. I can turn the eco-bag into a magical tool tomorrow.

Clothing and rain gear had a defense function. The backpack had a storage function (5 cubic meters). Why does the larger backpack have less volume?

Just as I was giving up on bedding, I realized I could turn a large towel into a blanket.

I decided to use "Skill: Magical Tool Creation."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Do you want to use the skill?

Yes No

I selected "Yes."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Which function do you want to use? (Up to 5 times per day)

Magical Tool Creation (1 time per day, today's quota reached)

Convert Items into Magical Tools (2 times per day)

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools (1 time per day, 2 times remaining)


I selected "Convert Items into Magical Tools."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Convert Items into Magical Tools

Touch the target item with your right hand and think or recite "Execute Conversion of Item into Magical Tool."


I touched the large towel with my right hand and recited "Execute Conversion of Item into Magical Tool."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Convert Items into Magical Tools

Towel 1

Is this okay?

Yes Return

The text "Towel 1" appeared on the towel. I selected "Yes."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Convert Items into Magical Tools

Towel 1

Choose a function.

Expansion (5m x 1m)

Enhanced Defense

Automatic Cleaning

Bedding Conversion (Blanket, 3m x 2m)


I selected "Bedding Conversion."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Convert Items into Magical Tools

Towel 1

Bedding Conversion (Blanket, 3m x 2m)

Magic power storage: 10

Is this okay?

Yes Return

I selected "Yes," and the towel emitted light.

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Conversion of Item into Magical Tool Complete

Towel 1

Bedding Conversion (Blanket, 3m x 2m)

Touch the blanket and think or recite "Activate Bedding Conversion" to transform it into a blanket.

Magic power storage: 10/10

2 units of magic power will be used for the transformation.

Can maintain for 12 hours.

Automatic magic power recovery function of the blanket will recover 1 unit of stored magic power in 10 minutes.

Provides insulation.

Deactivate with "Release Bedding Conversion" to return it to a towel.

When you finish reading, please think "Understood."

I activated "Bedding Conversion" and turned the towel into a cozy blanket. It feels comfortable.

Now, what should I do next?

I need a toilet. I dug a hole in the barrier area about 4 meters away from the tent to create a toilet. After using it, I'll cover it with soil. I made a fence around the toilet location using "Apkian" trunks I had cut from the base and inserted Higo Mamoru, creating a 1-meter high enclosure with gaps.

It's better than nothing. I collected edible grass, fruits, herbs, and firewood from nearby. I also gathered rocks and sand. Tomorrow, I'll appraise them at night to see if they can be used as materials for creating magical tools.

I'm hoping to find rocks rich in metal content. I collected rocks that had a darker color and appeared to contain various colored minerals.

I found a particularly intriguing layer of white rock in one spot. The rock is primarily composed of quartz with black streaks running through it. I collected extra of this rock.

Around 4:30 PM according to my smartphone's time, I set up a camping stove about 2 meters away from the tent. I want to have dinner before it gets dark. It's a camping stove that uses firewood. It can also generate power to charge my smartphone.

The smoke is being directed out of the barrier, so I didn't use the smoke-repelling bonfire. I'll rely on the defense barrier and the expanded interior of the tent.

I boiled water and made instant miso soup. I only have one rice ball. For dessert, I have "Yanamitsuco." It's delicious, like a mochi dumpling on a stick.

I cleaned up using wet wipes. Tissues, wet wipes, toilet paper, and plastic wrap are essential for camping.

The sun is starting to set. It seems like sunset will happen around 5:30 PM according to my smartphone, and it should be fully dark by 6 PM. Since a bonfire could attract animals, I decided not to use one and trust in the defense barrier.

The light from the interior expansion of the tent doesn't leak outside, which is good to know. To save lantern battery, I took out the blanket and prepared to rest.

I've mostly turned off my smartphone to save its battery.

As I lie down, I activated "Appraisal." I can use "Simple Appraisal" even in the darkness.

I spent about 20 minutes researching various things and planning what to do tomorrow before falling asleep, hoping I'll be able to wake up safely in the morning.