Chapter 3: Days 2

2nd Day

I woke up feeling well-rested, probably due to the tiredness from the previous day. The blanket was comfortable. I must have slept for around 10 hours. When I looked outside, the sky was starting to brighten. I think I went to bed around 7:00 PM according to my smartphone's time last night. When I turned on my smartphone, it was already past 4:30 AM. If my estimation is correct, sunrise should be around 5:30 AM according to smartphone time.

As I looked outside, I noticed something lying outside the barrier, although it was still dim and hard to see clearly. When I appraised it, I realized they were the corpses of magical beasts and animals. There were 16 of them. It seems they hit the barrier and died. There was hardly any blood. This is bad; if left like this, more animals might gather. I need to put them somewhere the smell won't spread.

I wonder if I can still use "Skill: Magical Tool Creation" today? According to the "Simple Appraisal" I did last night, it seems I can, but... Let's try it.

I activated "Skill: Magical Tool Creation" in my mind.

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Do you want to use the skill?

Yes No

Of course, I selected "Yes" in my mind.

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Which function do you want to use? (Up to 5 times per day)

Magical Tool Creation (1 time per day)

Convert Items into Magical Tools (2 times per day)

Add or Remove Functions of Magical Tools (2 times per day)


I chose to use "Convert Items into Magical Tools" for today.

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Convert Items into Magical Tools

Touch the target item with your right hand and think or recite "Execute Conversion of Item into Magical Tool."


I held the eco-bag in my right hand and selected "Execute Conversion of Item into Magical Tool."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Convert Items into Magical Tools

Eco-bag 1

Is this okay?

Yes Return

The text "Eco-bag 1" appeared on the eco-bag. I selected "Yes."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Convert Items into Magical Tools

Eco-bag 1

Choose a function.

Storage (20 cubic meters, time stop)


Enhanced Defense


I chose "Storage."

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Convert Items into Magical Tools

Eco-bag 1

Storage (20 cubic meters, time stop)

Magic power storage: 15

Is this okay?

Yes Return

I selected "Yes," and the eco-bag emitted light.

Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Conversion of Item into Magical Tool Complete

Eco-bag 1

Storage (20 cubic meters, time stop)

Touch the eco-bag and think or recite "Activate Eco-bag 1 Storage" to confirm the display and agree to store the target item inside Eco-bag 1.

Magic power storage state: 15/15

1 unit of magic power will be used for each storage.

1 unit of magic power will be used for each release.

Automatic magic power recovery function will recover 1 unit of stored magic power in 10 minutes.

Cannot store living creatures like animals or magical beasts.

Touch the eco-bag and think or recite "Eco-bag 1 Storage List" to display a list of stored items.

To release, select from the list and think or recite "Release" while considering the release location.

Attention is required to ensure sufficient space for release location.

When you finish reading, please think "Understood."

It seems I can continuously store items up to 15 times. There are 16 corpses here. Maybe if I touch multiple corpses at once, I can store them together?

While the eco-bag is turned into a storage magical tool, it's gotten slightly brighter outside. This should allow me to work.

I'll first confirm with "Appraisal" that there are no living magical beasts or animals outside the barrier. Then I'll hang Eco-bag 1 on my left arm, step outside the barrier, and try storing things.

I grabbed two rabbits with horns (identified as Horned Rabbits) in each hand and recited "Eco-bag 1 Storage."

Eco-bag 1 Storage

Horned Rabbit (Male)

Horned Rabbit (Male)

Horned Rabbit (Male)

Horned Rabbit (Female)

Store all of them? (Consumes 1 unit of magic power)

Store all Select items to store


Remaining magic power: 15/15

I selected "Store all."

The four horned rabbits I was holding disappeared.

Next, while touching a wolf-like beast (identified as Forest Wolf) and a large pig-like magical creature (identified as Big Boar), I recited "Eco-bag 1 Storage."

Eco-bag 1 Storage

Forest Wolf (Male)

Big Boar (Male)

Store all of them? (Consumes 1 unit of magic power)

Store all Select items to store


Remaining magic power: 14/15

I selected "Store all."

The Forest Wolf and Big Boar I was touching vanished.

I realized that I can store multiple items at once and different types of items too, all consuming just 1 unit of magic power. I stored the remaining 10 creatures and magical beasts in three rounds.

With Eco-bag 1 in hand, I thought "Eco-bag 1 Storage List."

Eco-bag 1 Storage List

Horned Rabbit (Male)

Horned Rabbit (Male)

Horned Rabbit (Male)

Horned Rabbit (Female)

Forest Wolf (Male)

Forest Wolf (Female)

Forest Wolf (Female)

Big Boar (Male)

Big Boar (Male)

Big Boar (Female)

Devil Wolf (Male)

Silver Wolf (Male)

Little Bear (Male)

Little Bear (Female)


Mountain Fox

Release them all?

Release all Select items to release


Remaining magic power: 10/15

I selected "Release them all."

The creatures and magical beasts that were stored were displayed in the list.

It worked well. I'm relieved. I confirmed that the Forest Wolf, Mountain Fox, and the other creatures were animals, while the rest were magical beasts. It seems that magical beasts have magic stones near their hearts.

After burying the remains and the small amount of blood outside the barrier, the sun started to rise. Let's make breakfast. Today's breakfast consists of sandwiches with a long shelf life, soup, and a vegetable salad. I made soup by boiling water with the camping stove. I need to secure water today, no matter what.

How should I do it? I recalled something I learned from "Simple Appraisal" last night. It said that you can identify items that can be turned into magical tools. After cleaning up breakfast, I activated "Simple Appraisal" with a plastic bottle containing 100 mL of water in my hand.

Simple Appraisal

Plastic Bottle (Water)

Capacity: 500 mL

Remaining: 100 mL

Can be converted into a magical tool: Water Generation, Cooling, Warming

When converting into a magical tool, it's better to have the bottle mostly empty.



Remaining magic power: 9/10

Now I don't have to worry about drinking water. How about the bottled green tea?

Simple Appraisal

Plastic Bottle (Green Tea)

Capacity: 500 mL

Remaining: 250 mL

Can be converted into a magical tool: Green Tea Generation, Cooling, Warming

When converting into a magical tool, it's better to have the bottle mostly empty.



Remaining magic power: 9/10

Let's check other things too.

Simple Appraisal

Plastic Bottle (Tea)

Capacity: 500 mL

Remaining: 250 mL

Can be converted into a magical tool: Tea Generation, Cooling, Warming

When converting into a magical tool, it's better to have the bottle mostly empty.



Remaining magic power: 9/10

It's a relief. I'm planning to secure water, but it seems I won't have to worry about drinks anymore. I also learned that you can convert bottled items into magical tools with the "Convert Items into Magical Tools" function. This is quite convenient.

I still have some daylight. I should plan my next steps while confirming that there are no living magical beasts or animals outside the barrier.

Item Simple Appraisal

Cooker (0.6L)

Capacity: 610 mL

Made of aluminum

Can be enchanted: Generates 500 mL of drinking water, cooling, heating, boiling



Remaining Mana: 9/10

■ ■ ■ □ □ □ □ □ □ □


Yeah, I think I'm starting to understand enchanting tools a bit.

First, let's secure some drinking water.

Before enchanting personal items, I decided to investigate the creation and modification of magical tools for the existence of water generation.

I will use the 'Skill: Magical Tool Creation' and think.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Will you use the skill?

Yes No

Of course, I selected 'Yes' in my mind.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Which function will you use? (Up to 5 times per day)

Create Magical Tool (Once a day)

Enchant Personal Item (Twice a day, 1 time remaining for today)

Add/Remove Magical Tool Function (Twice a day)


I selected 'Create Magical Tool' in my mind.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Create Magical Tool

Please choose a form.

Ring (Left Ring Finger)


There's only the option 'Ring', right?

I selected 'Ring' in my mind.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Create Magical Tool

Ring (Left Ring Finger)

Please choose a function.

Basic Wind Magic

Basic Earth Magic


There's no water magic!

Even if it existed, I'm not sure if it's suitable for drinking.

I selected 'Return'.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Which function will you use? (Up to 5 times per day)

Create Magical Tool (Once a day)

Enchant Personal Item (Twice a day, 1 time remaining for today)

Add/Remove Magical Tool Function (Twice a day)


I selected 'Add/Remove Magical Tool Function' in my mind.

Afterward, I investigated if any of the existing magical tools could generate drinking water.

As a result, there were no magical tools that could generate drinking water.

Alright, let's create drinking water using a water bottle!


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Which function will you use? (Up to 5 times per day)

Create Magical Tool (Once a day)

Enchant Personal Item (Twice a day, 1 time remaining for today)

Add/Remove Magical Tool Function (Twice a day)


I transferred the remaining water in the water bottle to a cup, held it in my right hand, and chose 'Enchant Personal Item'.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Enchant Personal Item

Touch the target item with your right hand and think or recite 'Execute Enchantment of Personal Item'.


While holding the water bottle in my right hand, I chanted 'Execute Enchantment of Personal Item'.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Enchant Personal Item

500 mL Water Bottle (Water) 1

Is this okay?

Yes Return

The text '500 mL Water Bottle (Water) 1' appeared.

I selected 'Yes'.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Enchant Personal Item

500 mL Water Bottle (Water) 1

Please choose a function.

Generate Drinking Water




I chose 'Generate Drinking Water'.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Enchant Personal Item

500 mL Water Bottle (Water) 1

Generate Drinking Water

Mana Storage: 5

Is this okay?

Yes Return

I selected 'Yes', and the water bottle glowed.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Enchant Personal Item Completed

500 mL Water Bottle (Water) 1

Generate Drinking Water

By holding the empty 500 mL water bottle, recite or think 'Water Bottle 1 Generate Drinking Water' to generate 500 mL of drinking water inside.

Mana Storage Status: 5/5

Using 1 unit of mana per drinking water generation.

It won't activate if there's more than 20 mL of water left.

Water generation takes 3 to 40 seconds.

(Varies depending on the amount of surrounding water.)

Opening the lid accelerates the water generation process.

The automatic mana storage function restores 1 unit of stored mana in 10 minutes.


I wonder if I can make 2.5 liters of drinking water consecutively.

With mana recovery, I can secure an additional 3 liters of drinking water in an hour.

I created drinking water promptly.

Delicious water.

I'm satisfied!

Next, I'll create a ring.

I used 'Skill: Magical Tool Creation' and thought.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Will you use the skill?

Yes No

Of course, I chose 'Yes' in my mind.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Which function will you use? (Up to 5 times per day)

Create Magical Tool (Once a day)

Enchant Personal Item (Twice a day, today's 2 times used up)

Add/Remove Magical Tool Function (Twice a day)


I selected 'Create Magical Tool' in my mind.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Create Magical Tool

Please choose a form.

Ring (Left Ring Finger)


As expected, the only choice is 'Ring'.

I selected 'Ring' in my mind.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Create Magical Tool

Ring (Left Ring Finger)

Please choose a function.

Basic Wind Magic

Basic Earth Magic


I selected 'Basic Wind Magic' in my mind.


Magical Tool Creation Level 1

Create Magical Tool

Ring (Left Ring Finger)

Basic Wind Magic

Mana Storage: 30

Is this okay?

Yes No

'Mana Storage' is greater than the bracelet's.

Even though it's smaller.

I selected 'Yes'.

Level 1 Magic Tool Creation

Magic Tool Creation

Ring (Left Ring Finger)

Basic Wind Magic

Mana Storage: 30

"Do you want to immediately wear the ring after creation?"

Yes No


Chose "Yes" in my mind.

Level 1 Magic Tool Creation

Magic Tool Creation

Ring (Left Ring Finger)

Basic Wind Magic

Mana Storage: 30

Materials required:

Iron: 5g

Copper: 2g

Zinc: 1g

Aluminum: 2g

Silicon: 5g

Nickel: 3g

Chromium: 1g

Carbon: 2g

Titanium: 1g

Silver: 0.1g

Gold: 0.05g

Prepare the materials-containing object.

When ready, place the object containing materials on the white board in front of you.

When the required amount of materials is assembled and the board turns red, chant "Execute Magic Tool Creation."


It demanded gold and silver as materials.

If it were yesterday, I would have been in trouble.

The black-veined quartz rock I collected yesterday has been identified as a gold and silver ore.

I will use this gold and silver ore and the leftovers from yesterday's materials for this round.

All the materials were sufficiently available.

"Execute Magic Tool Creation."

Again, the board with the materials emitted light, and the materials wrapped in light disappeared.

A ring was fitted onto my left ring finger.

It's a black-colored ring.

It's a comfortable fit, not too tight.

Where the board was, there were several metallic items such as gold and silver, as well as quartz and black smoke spheres.

Are these leftover materials?

There's quite a bit of gold and silver.

There's probably around 2g of gold.

I made sure to collect it before I forget.

And a message is appearing in my mind.

Level 1 Magic Tool Creation

Magic Tool Creation Completed

Ring (Left Ring Finger)

Basic Wind Magic

Chanting or reciting "Basic Wind Magic" will activate it.

Mana Storage: 30/30

Since supplying mana from the wearer is impossible, it uses 1 mana per activation.

The automatic mana storage function of the bracelet recovers 1 stored mana in 10 minutes.

Once you finish reading, think "Understood."

Thought "Understood."

And chanted "Basic Wind Magic."

Basic Wind Magic Main Page

Point at the target with your left ring finger and choose the basic wind magic to perform, then recite or chant.

Air Bullet

Wind Arrow

Wind Blade


Remaining Mana: 30/30

All attack magic, huh?

I tried them out outside the barrier.

The target for the attack magic was a tree.

An air bullet managed to break a branch with a diameter of 10cm.

A wind arrow could make a hole in a trunk with a diameter of 20cm, causing the tree to fall.

A wind blade could cut through a trunk with a diameter of 30cm.

I cast the spells a total of 6 times.

The fallen trees and branches were put into Eco Bags.

I have 2 more uses of "Skill: Magic Tool Creation" available today.

What should I do?

For comfort, maybe tent lighting or air conditioning.

For safety, either "Basic Earth Magic" for the ring or "Concealment" for the tent.

Safety should come first after all.

So, I decided to add "Basic Earth Magic" to the ring and "Concealment" to the tent.

First, I added "Basic Earth Magic" to the ring.

As a result,

Level 1 Magic Tool Creation

Add/Remove Magic Tool Function

Adding functions complete

Ring (Left Ring Finger) Basic Wind Magic

Basic Earth Magic

Chanting or reciting "Basic Earth Magic" will activate it.

Mana Storage: 25/30

Since supplying mana from the wearer is impossible, it uses 1 mana per activation.

The automatic mana storage function of the bracelet recovers 1 stored mana in 10 minutes.

Once you finish reading, think "Understood."

Thought "Understood."

And chanted "Basic Earth Magic."

Basic Earth Magic Main Page

Point at the target with your left ring finger and choose the basic earth magic to perform, then recite or chant.

Soil Bullet

Rock Bullet

Rock Arrow

Soil Wall

Hardened Soil Wall

Erase Soil Wall

Circular Excavation

Rectangular Excavation

Restorative Excavation


Remaining Mana: 25/30

I tried firing soil bullets, rock bullets, and rock arrows at the trees from a distance of 30 meters.

Soil bullets have weak power, shaking the branches of the tree vigorously.

Rock bullets could create holes in the trunks of trees with a diameter of 25cm, causing them to fall.

Rock arrows shattered trunks with a diameter of 40cm.

When fired towards a rock about 50 meters away, the rock was also shattered.

Soil walls formed walls of soil, 2 meters tall, 15cm thick, and 5 meters wide.

Firing a rock bullet from a position 20 meters away created a hole.

Applying soil wall hardening, a rock arrow fired from a position 20 meters away got embedded, but it didn't penetrate.

It seems that the area that can be hardened at once corresponds to the area a soil wall can be created.

Hardened soil walls could be removed using soil wall elimination.

Circular excavation created a hole with a diameter of 1 meter and a depth of 1 meter, while rectangular excavation dug a hole with dimensions of 2 meters by 2 meters and a depth of 1 meter.

The restorative excavation could restore the area back to its original state.

Trying out the basic earth magic, I ended up using 18 mana.

Basic earth magic seems quite useful.

Next, I'll add concealment to the tent.

Level 1 Magic Tool Creation

Add/Remove Magic Tool Function

Adding functions complete

Tent 1: Defense Barrier, Internal Expansion (5 cubic meters)


Touch with hand and recite "Concealment" to activate it.

Mana Storage: 25/25

Uses 1 mana per activation for 60 minutes.

The automatic mana storage function of the bracelet recovers 1 stored mana in 10 minutes.

Constantly active.

End with "Release Concealment."

Once you finish reading, think "Understood."

With this, the tent should be even safer.

Before lunch, I checked the food supply.

The 4 meals' worth of food I brought this time are:

2 Convenience store rice balls

2 Packs of sandwiches

6 Bags of ready-made sandwiches

5 Mini croissants

4 Packets of instant soup

6 Pieces of cheese

4 Fish sausages

2 Bags of vegetable salad

For emergency rations, I have:

3 Servings of instant white rice

3 Servings of instant mixed rice

2 Cans

1 Freeze-dried curry

1 Freeze-dried beef stew

1 Freeze-dried cream stew

3 Freeze-dried bowl toppings

8 Freeze-dried miso soups

2 Retort pouches of rice porridge

In addition to these, I have 8 sticks each of instant milk tea, instant coffee (with milk and sugar), instant cocoa, and sugar sticks.

Consumed so far:

2 Convenience store rice balls

1 Pack of sandwiches

1 Packet of instant soup

1 Bag of vegetable salad

1 Freeze-dried miso soup


1 Pack of sandwiches

6 Bags of ready-made sandwiches

5 Mini croissants

3 Packets of instant soup

6 Pieces of cheese

4 Fish sausages

1 Bag of vegetable salad

3 Servings of instant white rice

3 Servings of instant mixed rice

2 Cans

1 Freeze-dried curry

1 Freeze-dried beef stew

1 Freeze-dried cream stew

3 Freeze-dried bowl toppings

7 Freeze-dried miso soups

2 Retort pouches of rice porridge

For lunch, I had 1 pack of sandwiches, 1 fish sausage, cheese, and instant coffee.

After lunch, I sharpened the branches I obtained in the morning into wooden swords.

Also, apart from "Apkyan," I found something bamboo-like, so I made a bamboo spear about 2 meters long.

Though not very sturdy, it's better than nothing.

Since physical strength is necessary, I decided to practice swinging this wooden sword every day.

I also practiced thrusting with the bamboo spear.

I only did kendo for about a year at a friend's dojo.

As for self-defense, I was just a practice target for a friend.

But eventually, this training will be useful when leaving the forest.

Dinner consisted of 1 bag of ready-made sandwiches, 1 bag of vegetable salad, and instant milk tea.

I also had 1 "Divef."

Before sleeping, I activated "Simple Appraisal" and spent about 20 minutes investigating various things.

I wonder if this will become a daily routine too.

What should I do tomorrow?