Chapter 4 :Day 3 Food Supplies...

Day 3

I woke up around 5 AM according to my smartphone's time. It's just before sunrise, but it's getting brighter.

There were also carcasses of magical creatures and beasts outside this morning.

Today's catch was 5 animals: a male horned rabbit, a female horned rabbit, a male forest wolf, a male big boar, and a male small boar.

They seem unaware of my presence due to the concealment effect, but it appears that they inadvertently collided with the barrier without noticing and died.

It's quite unfortunate for them.

Could this place be an animal path?

Magical creatures and beasts seem to have materials that can be sold in town.

I'll gratefully store them in Eco Bag 1.

For breakfast, I had ready-made sandwiches, cheese, and freeze-dried miso soup.

In the morning, I decided to focus on magical tool creation, and in the afternoon, I'll do training and gathering.

First, I'll start with magical tool creation.

I recite "Skill: Magical Tool Creation."

Level 1 Magical Tool Creation

Do you want to use this skill?

Yes No

I chose "Yes."

Level 1 Magical Tool Creation

Which function do you want to use? (Up to 5 times a day)

Magical Tool Creation (Once a day)

Convert Items to Magical Tools (Twice a day)

Add/Remove Magical Tool Functions (Twice a day)


I selected "Magical Tool Creation."

Level 1 Magical Tool Creation

Magical Tool Creation

Please select the shape.

Bracelet (Right)


"Bracelet (Right)" appeared.

Only "Bracelet (Right)" can be selected.

Level 1 Magical Tool Creation

Magical Tool Creation

Bracelet (Right)

Please select one function.

Life Magic (All)

Storage (With time lapse・1 cubic meter)


This is "Life Magic (All)."

Level 1 Magical Tool Creation

Magical Tool Creation

Bracelet (Right)

Life Magic (All)

Mana Storage: 30

Is this okay?

Yes No

I chose "Yes."

Level 1 Magical Tool Creation

Magical Tool Creation

Bracelet (Right)

Life Magic (All)

Mana Storage: 30

Would you like to immediately wear the bracelet after creation?

Yes No


In my mind, I chose "Yes."

Level 1 Magical Tool Creation

Magical Tool Creation

Bracelet (Right)

Life Magic (All)

Mana Storage: 30

Iron 20g Copper 22g Zinc 10g

Tin 5g Aluminum 10g

Silicon 20g Nickel 10g

Chrome 5g Carbon 20g Titanium 3g

Gold 0.1g Silver 0.1g

Please prepare materials-included items.

When ready, place the materials-included items on the white board in front of you.

Chant "Execute Magical Tool Creation" when the necessary amount of materials is assembled and the board turns red.


This is the required material list.

Yesterday's collected rocks were also included in the materials. I placed the materials on the board and chanted "Execute Magical Tool Creation."

Just like before, the board emitted light and the materials wrapped in light disappeared.

A bracelet was now on my right arm. It was a black bracelet.

It's just the right fit, not too tight or too loose.

As with last time, there were some leftover metals like gold and silver, as well as spheres of quartz and black smoke rolling around where the board used to be.

I should collect them before I forget.

A message is appearing in my head.

Level 1 Magical Tool Creation

Magical Tool Creation Completed

Bracelet (Right)

Life Magic (All)

"When you think or chant 'Life Magic,' 'Life Magic' will be activated."

Mana Storage: 30

Since supplying mana from the wearer's mana is impossible, 1 mana will be used per activation.

The bracelet's automatic mana storage function restores 1 stored mana in 10 minutes.

When finished reading, please think 'Acknowledged.'


And then "Life Magic."

Life Magic Main Page

Select the life magic you want to perform and think or chant it.






Drinking Water

Light Sphere


Dismantling Small Magical Beasts

Dismantling Animals


Remaining Mana: 30/30

Purification is magic that decomposes and removes dirt from the target. It can clean without getting things wet. It works on clothes, body, and dishes.

I could use this because I was starting to want a bath.

Ignition acts as a lighter. It's important to choose the right target.

Drying removes surface moisture from objects.

Heating can warm up to about 50 degrees Celsius. With two applications, it can raise the temperature to around 100 degrees Celsius.

Cooling can cool down to around 5 degrees Celsius.

Drinking Water can produce about 200 ml of drinkable water per use.

Light Sphere creates a light sphere about as bright as a 30W bulb that can float in the air for around 30 minutes. You can also turn it off before 30 minutes are up.

Leveling makes a 20m x 20m area of land flat and even. It works on rocky terrain or muddy ground.

Dismantling Small Magical Beasts disassembles magical beasts after draining their blood, separating them into individual materials.

Dismantling Animals is a version of the above for regular animals.

I tried all the magic right away.

My stored mana seems insufficient.

I dismantled the horned rabbit with Dismantling Small Magical Beasts and the forest wolf with Dismantling Animals. Both of them had edible meat, so I'll use them for lunch today.

This is my first time seeing a magic stone from the horned rabbit. It's a black sphere with a diameter of 2 cm.

For Convert Items to Magical Tools, I added "Storage" to the remaining Eco Bag. Now it's Eco Bag 2, like Eco Bag 1, but with 20 cubic meters and time stop capability.

I decided to put the remaining food from Earth in this bag. It won't expire due to the time stop.

I added another magical function to the other bag: a Pet Bottle (Japanese Tea) with the ability to create Japanese tea. While the mana storage remained 5, each use of creating Japanese tea consumes 2 mana. It takes 3 minutes to create 500 ml of Japanese tea. It seems I'll need tea leaves.

I also added lighting and air conditioning to the tent using Add/Remove Magical Tool Functions. Both consume 1 mana over 60 minutes. It's not an issue, considering the tent can replenish 6 mana while using all its functions in an hour.

I decided to use the tent's life magic for lighting instead.

For lunch, I plan to use the vegetables and potatoes I collected yesterday, along with the meat I just acquired.

The main dish will be sweet potatoes.

The rabbit meat I dismantled tasted good.

For dinner, I'm planning to try grilling it.

In the afternoon, I found potatoes and pumpkins during my gathering.

Training is going well too.

After dinner, I performed Purification, then crawled into my blanket and used Self-Evaluation.

My life force increased by 5. That's great!

I've gained new skills as well.


Suzuki Takashi


Life Force: 25/25

Mana: 0

Skills: Magical Tool Creation, Swordsmanship, Spear Technique, Cooking, Gathering



Remaining Mana: 9/10

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ □ □

My life force increased. My mana remains at 0. Could it be because of using magical tool creation?

This might raise my chances of survival a bit.

As usual, I increased my knowledge with Simple Term Appraisal before going to sleep.