[Entrance Ceremony]: Turning Point 3

"AHHHHH!" As Warja stood there with his eyes closed and a battle cry, Cassia charged toward him, wielding a large sword. Swift on her feet, in an instant, her sword was poised to strike.

But before it could happen, Warja opened his eyes while coating an aura on his hand. He then effortlessly caught her sword and jerked it, breaking her balance and causing her to fall right in front of him.

Not stopping there, he grabbed her left leg and, with a simple but powerful chop, snapped her tibia and fibula in half.


She cried in pain as she trembled and looked at the warja. Her eyes were filled with hatred and anger as she managed to utter the words,

"I...will...kill....you I...will...kill...you  I...will...kill...you!"

"I will come back to you later," Warja replied to her threats as he moved towards the podium, ignoring the increasing trembling of the building.