Chapter 15

After Callum stormed out of the office, I quickly gathered my belongings and headed to finish my work for the day.

Lately, my mind had been consumed by constant thoughts of Callum Black and even physical encounters with him. It was high time I got my life back on track, starting with addressing my erratic reactions whenever he was around. His abrupt mood swings puzzled me. First, he was angry and stubborn, then he turned arrogant and flirtatious. It was giving me emotional whiplash.

"Hey, I'm heading out for the night, have a good one!" Mia bid farewell as she left the office.

Glancing at the time, I realized it was well past five, and I should do the same. I shut down my workstation and sent Mr. Kennedy a closing email to confirm I had completed all the tasks he'd assigned.

Before I could reach the door, a text message popped up on my phone.

Amy: Hey there, I'm coming over in 20...

I had completely forgotten that Amy was supposed to visit.

Me: Okay, sounds good. I'm just leaving work now.

Amy: Geez, no need to overwork yourself!

I chuckled, powered down my phone, and stepped out into the chilly afternoon. Watching the city come to life as cars zipped by and nightfall settled in, I marveled at the city skyline. But I had to make it home in time for Amy's visit.

Hailing a taxi, I climbed into the back seat and headed to my apartment. Upon arrival, I unlocked my front door, switched on the lights in the kitchen and living room, and quickly changed into comfortable attire – sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt, just the way I liked it.

Sure enough, not even 10 minutes later, Amy was knocking at my door. I rushed to open it before she could start banging insistently.

"Hey," I greeted her with a smile, welcoming her inside.

She gave me a sly look and stepped in without much formality.

"You and I have a lot to talk about, starting with last night!" she declared, heading straight for the living room.

If there was one thing I knew about Amy, it was that she never beat around the bush. She meant business, especially when it came to matters like this. I was apprehensive about how she'd react.

"Most of last night was a mistake," I admitted, settling beside her on the couch and crossing my legs.

"What happened after you left to dance? And don't even think about lying; Mads already spilled the beans, so no sugar-coating," Amy pressed, fixing her gaze on me.

I sighed, realizing there was no way to avoid this conversation.

"I went to dance as I told you, met a stranger, and danced with him. It was fun until Dante approached me, asking for a dance," I said, omitting certain details about our history.

"The guy I was dancing with left in shock after seeing Callum, so Callum took the opportunity and pulled me onto the dance floor," I continued, glancing at Amy.

"He pulled you in, huh? How attractive is he up close... that man is a walking sex god," Amy's eyes widened as she grinned.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes at her. "He's... good looking, yes," I admitted, blushing.

"You're hopeless when it comes to men. Just once, admit a man is HOT, drool-worthy, and panty-dropping HOT," Amy teased, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Fine... he's hot," I blushed, shaking my head.

Amy laughed, and I blushed even more, grabbing a nearby pillow and playfully shoving it in her face to silence her.

"HEY!" she protested, throwing the pillow back at me. We both laughed, and I tossed it to the floor.

"Wait, you still haven't told me the best part," Amy said, her tone shifting to a more serious one.

I gulped, nervously looking at her. I wasn't sure how much I was comfortable sharing. My mind was a jumble, filled with flashbacks of Callum Black pressing me against a nightclub wall and kissing me passionately.

"What part?" I asked, trying to deflect.

Amy rolled her eyes at me. "The part where Callum Black had you pressed against a nightclub wall with his mouth on yours," she said, grinning knowingly.

I didn't know what to say; my mind was blank. In fact, it was flooded with memories of that intense moment.

"I was drunk," I replied quickly, my cheeks burning.

"So was everyone in that club, Gianna. Just admit it. You liked it, didn't you?" Amy narrowed her eyes at me with a smirk.

"I don't know, Amy. It was a mistake and lasted only a few seconds before we were interrupted," I tried to dismiss it.

Amy wasn't convinced. "No one kisses Callum Black and just brushes it off like it never happened... I know you're not big on discussing your feelings, so I'll let it slide this time," she conceded.

"But rest assured, I won't forget this, and I'll be grilling Rodney about it later," Amy added, grabbing the remote to turn on the TV.

"What's going on between you and Rodney anyway? You two seemed pretty cozy last night," I inquired, now wearing a knowing smirk.

Amy laughed, keeping her eyes on the TV. "I slept with him, and now we exchange naughty text messages all day," she replied casually, as if discussing the weather.

"Wait, you slept with him? When were you planning to tell me?" I exclaimed, shocked.

Amy shrugged, looking unfazed. "I just did, and if you didn't notice last night, there was some serious sexual tension."

Her nonchalance left me speechless. Shaking my head, I headed for the kitchen cabinet, where I kept my takeout menus.

"So, what are we having, Chinese or Pizza?" I asked her from across the room.

"PIZZA!" Amy yelled back.

I laughed, shaking my head. Pizza it is.