In an unexpected turn of events, Gianna Ruth finds herself entangled in an intricate deal with Callum Black, a man she loathes. Their paths collide as they reluctantly join forces, each needing what the other possesses. Amidst simmering tension, Gianna grapples with her deep-seated resentment towards Callum while navigating the complex dynamics of their arrangement. As their journey unfolds, Gianna's emotional walls begin to crumble, leaving her to question the fine line between animosity and attraction.
What happens when Gianna is forced to strike a deal with one of the most powerful man in London? Will she join forces with him, or will she make his life harder?
Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Forced Proximity, Billionaire romance, He falls first, Angsty, Grumpy x Sunshine
I love this book so far!! It’s so so good!! Hope the author doesn’t leave the cliffhanger like this ahh!!😭🫶🏻 Adding this into my list now ;)
Just discovered this underrated story and this author deserves to be blown up! I already finished to the latest chapter getting hooked by the cliffhanger😩