Chapter 34

"Gianna, please say something," he whispered. His brows furrowed in confusion and his body tense.

I dropped the phone to my lap and clenched my fists as Callum stood from beside me. I let my eyes follow his body as he moved in front of me. My breaths were shaky, and I knew I had to talk to him, but my mind was on sensory overload.

He slowly sunk to his knees in front of me, his green eyes searching mine as he placed his hands on my cheeks in a gentle caress.

"Gianna. I'm assuming a lot of things right now, and everything that comes to mind is breaking me. Please say something," he said quickly. His eyes frantically searching my face. Taking a breath, I cast my eyes to the space between my legs and Callum's chest as he knelt in front of me.

"I was a foster kid," I started, my eyes instantly watering. I felt his hands move, so they rested on my clenched fists that rested in my lap. "I don't know how much you dug up about me, but you clearly know I changed my name."

I slowly met his eyes, and he watched me carefully. He then slowly stood from his position in front of me to sit beside me again, all while taking my hand in his. As he sat with our hands interlocked, I watched him for a moment. He looked stressed, and as his jaw clenched, I knew he was.

"All I know is that you changed your name. My people concluded it was to run from government care. I have no idea why, Gianna," he whispered, keeping his eyes trained on the ground.

I knew I'd have to tell him eventually. About Matt, about my childhood. Our whole relationship started over my past; it was only right to talk about it. I've come to terms with a lot lately. One big thing being that as of now, it's time I start confronting what scares me rather than running away.

"Matt used to be my foster parent," I said softly. The tears slid down my face, unable to stop the emotions I felt retelling this story. Callum's head shot up to mine, and his jaw clenched. He looked so angry, so on edge.

"The first few weeks with Matt's family were completely normal. Aside from a few things that were off, I considered it to be a new forever home. But I was wrong," I smiled through the tears, laughing to myself at how naive I was. How innocent and broken.

"I'll kill him," came Callum's gruff voice from beside me. He was practically shaking, so I reached my hands out to him and grasped them on my own.

"It happened a few more times after that. He did it to every kid in the house, Callum," I took a few deep breaths trying to control my breathing. His large hand rubbed my back, and his free one wrapped around my neck, pulling me in further.

"I had no fucking idea, Gianna. NO idea. I'm such a fucking asshole for ever using anything to do with your past against you," he spat out, anger seeping from his words. I just clenched his shirt.

"Mari. The woman who wrote the article for us. Her family took me in and hid me for years until I was 18. I changed my name and promised myself I'd leave them behind and everything I once knew in order to protect them," I whispered into his chest. His arms still wrapped around me.

We sat there for a moment, the two of us just soaking in the comfort of each other's arms.

My heart had been racing the moment I read Lina's text and never once stopped. I couldn't believe that the man who haunted me for years was caught. And he was going to pay for what he did.

"Tate sent me the case file a few weeks ago," Callum said softly as he pulled back to look me in my face.

"I read over it quickly because I thought it was just another crazy thing my parents were getting into, but it wasn't. I kept the file and had read over it one night, completely disgusted. Gianna, the thought of that happening to you makes my blood boil. I want to find this man and personally rip him—" He started with anger. I quickly stretched up and placed my palm over his mouth.

I brought my free hand up to his hair and slowly brushed through it, watching him settle. Removing my hand from his mouth, I said, "You and that anger, Callum Brown," smiling softly to lighten the tension. I watched the curves of his mouth do the same.

His face quickly fell again.

"He's going to rot, Gianna. My mother is an amazing lawyer, and she will put him behind bars for life and then some," he clenched his jaw and drew me in close with his hands on my cheeks again. "You are a strong young woman, and I am honored to ever know you, Gianna," he said with such conviction.

I couldn't help but spread my lips into a wide smile. My heart burst at his words, and for the first time in a very long time, I felt as though I could stop running. Running from this, running from my past, and running from happiness.

My eyes fell to his lips as slow tears fell down my cheeks at the overwhelming emotions that were running through me.

He smiled softly and brought my head to his gently, attaching our lips. We both smiled, lips attached, and I settled over him straddling his waist. The kiss was slow, starting with a soft peck on his lips and leading to slow, teasing ones. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and I felt as his arms pulled me inevitably closer to him.

"I want to just hold you tonight. Will you stay over?" He whispered, detaching our lips. I smiled down at him.

"Okay," I said. He smiled back, pecking my lips once more.

"Do you need to call Lina?" He asked, his face becoming serious again.

Shit. I almost forgot the literal entire reason I was having this conversation.

"Fuck, yes, I'll be right back." Scrambling off his lap, he smiled, standing up with me and handing me my phone.

I brought it to my ear after clicking on her contact and walked over to look at the skyline view through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Gianna! Oh god, you called! Did you get my text?" She rushed out.

"Yes, yes, I did. I'm sorry I meant to call you sooner," I whispered back, nervous at what she had to say.

"They caught him! The police caught him and his family down the cape in a small waterfront motel. As of right now, he's in holding awaiting trial. This is it, Gianna." She breathed out, and I could hear the faint smile through her words.

My heart clenched once again, and I felt my love for my childhood friend flood my senses.

"This is insane, Lina," I whispered back, still in shock. The amount of events that had occurred in the last few hours were enough to bring me to tears for a lifetime.

"I know, I just wanted to call before you heard it yourself on the news. I think the trial is happening sometime next week, but I'll let you know, okay?" She said.

"Yes, of course," I quickly answered.

"Okay, have a good night, will you? Take a few shots for us." She laughed, and I just shook my head at her response.

"Of course, Lina," I laughed. "I'll call you tomorrow," I said.

She answered with a goodnight, and we both ended the call. Sighing, I kept my gaze on the view and let the view of millions of sparkling lights cloud my mind for a moment. Matt was caught. Mari was back in my life. And I'm falling for the arrogant CEO.

"How about some ice cream and then bed?" Came Callum's voice. He slid his arms around my waist from behind and rested his head on my neck.

"That sounds amazing," I smiled and turned so I was facing him once more.

We walked into the kitchen to fetch two bowls of ice cream, and I watched as he pulled out a coffee flavor.

"How'd you know it was my favourite?" I asked teasingly.

"I'm afraid I'm just so goddamn compatible with you, Gianna, because this just so happens to be my own favorite too," he smiled while scooping us some coffee ice cream. I just shook my head and watched as he slid the bowl over to me.

We ate in silence, just enjoying each other's company as we munched on the cold ice cream. Once we were finished, we brought our bowls to the sink, and then he led us off to the hallway in which his room was. I smiled once we entered, looking at the bed that we once tangled ourselves up in... not so innocently.

"I have a spare toothbrush, and you can sleep in one of my shirts because I know you absolutely can't resist stealing one," he smirked, pulling a large button-up from his closet. I just narrowed my eyes at him and ripped it from his hand.

"I'll sell it on eBay and make sure to mark down 'Worn By THE Callum Black.' I'm sure I'll get a lot of hits," I just smiled at his teasing smirk.

"Toothbrush is in the bottom drawer to the right. Mine's in the holder on top of the sink if you'd like to make a few extra dollars on eBay," he finished.

Shaking my head, I just made my way into the bathroom. I quickly changed into the shirt, his large size quickly engulfing my body to just above my knees. I opened the bottom drawer to find the toothbrush, and once I did, I started brushing my teeth.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but laugh. Never would I have ever thought I'd be standing in Callum Black's penthouse bathroom wearing his shirt and using his spare toothbrush. But here I am.

"You almost done?" Came a shout from outside the door.

I quickly finished with brushing my teeth and rushed over to open the door.

"Yes," I smiled up at him and moved to throw myself into his large, comfortable bed.

I waited for him under the comforter as he did his business in the bathroom. Once he was finished, he walked out wearing nothing but low-riding sweatpants, and I didn't mind the view one bit.

He quickly settled in behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close.

We lay there in the now-dark room, bodies held close together, and legs tangled in the sheets.

My heart thumped against my chest, and I relished in the feeling.

"I'm going to be here for you, Gianna. Throughout this process, throughout this week. We're going to make sure he rots in hell," Callum whispered, tightening his grasp on me.

I just turned so I was facing his chest and looked up into his eyes. I smiled and nodded my head.

"I'll add it to the list of memorable things, Callum. The good kind of memorable," I smiled, whispering it into his chest. He beamed back at me and pecked my lips.

And that's how I fell asleep, curled up in the arms of Mr. Callum Black.