Julie Collins moved down the corridor with a grace and confidence common to those who knew her. She had just gotten off duty and was looking forward to spending time with Danny relaxing in their quarters.

Julie was SEAL Team 12s senior Communications specialist. If there was something she didn't know about communications, then it hadn't been invented yet. And she was also the alternate hand to hand combat instructor for the team. Her five foot nine body looked to be something carved from a womans fitness magazine. She had long satiny legs and a slim waist that accented her full firm 34B breasts and flat abdomen. Her short curly dark hair fell to just above her shoulders, framing a lean beautiful face with full sensuous lips and light brown eyes. Her skin was a shade darker than Dan, almost the color of dark caramel, and she loved the contrast of their skin when their bodies were pressed together.

They had been lovers for as many years as she could remember, and she knew every intimate detail of his rock hard body and his huge cock. Whenever he bottomed out inside her tight pussy it caused her to quake with orgasms time and time again. He was not the only lover she had ever had, but he was by far the most attentive of what she wanted and needed. And while she knew he had had other lovers as well, none of them had ever been able to take his monstrous cock as deeply into their throat as Julie had. And she relished every inch of his thick pole with delight.

Julie stopped several meters from the door to their quarters as her enhanced sense of smell picked up something. Her eyes grew large when she smelled the scent of Dans passion so strongly, but it was the other, sweeter smell that caused her eyes to go even wider. She recognized that smell from earlier in the day, and the scent was even sweeter now as it reeked of passion and desire and orgasmic explosions. She went to the door and quietly slid her card through the slot. The door silently whisked opened and she stepped in quickly to the muffed sounds of a female in what could only be described as orgasmic bliss. She didn't need her enhanced sense of smell to determine that the room reeked of sweat and sex, but her sense of smell was able to separate the mingling scents. She knew Danny's scent without question, but the sweet scent of honey was mixed in heavily with his smell and she knew that smell from earlier today.

Julie walked noiselessly into the bedroom and stood in the doorway, her own supple body immediately becoming highly aroused at what she saw and smelled. Danny's back was to her, his skin glistening with sweat. His hands were gripping Anja's hips tightly as he pummeled her pussy with his huge cock from behind. Her body was also soaked in sweat, her face pressed forward into the bed frozen in a look of continual orgasmic release, her hands clenching and then unclenching the sheets. Julie knew that look well, as that is exactly how she looked whenever Danny plowed her from behind as he was currently doing to Anja. Her juices were soaking his hips, his thick ebony cock driving into her in long powerful twelve inch strokes. Julie inhaled the air in the room deeply, her senses coming alive. Anja smelled sweeter than any woman she had ever met, and that was after she had no doubt cum over and over again already. She could tell they had been fucking each other for at least three hours by the temperature of the room and the state of the bed, yet even now, Anja's cum still smelled sweet as it spilled from her extremely tight pussy. And judging by the look on Danny's face as he plowed his thick cock into her depths, Anja was very tight.

Julie had never entertained the thought of being with another woman, it just didn't appeal to her, yet now watching her lover plunge his massive ebony cock into the red haired pussy under him, and seeing her long flowing red hair splayed across the bed, images of the two of them flashed in her mind.

She walked up behind Danny and traced her fingers across his broad back, leaning close to him. His eyes opened from concentration and he smiled up at her as she kissed him deeply, her hands running over his chest.

"Hi baby." She whispered seductively to him. "This is a surprise."

"Jules I...."

Julie shook her head and began to unbutton her fatigues as she looked down to where Danny's cock was pile driving Anja's beautiful pussy. The lips of her cunt were stretched around his thick veiny black cock and gripped him as tightly as her own pussy did when he was fucking her. Anja was thrusting her firm, tight ass back at him on every downward plunge he rammed into her, taking his entire twelve inch cock into her luscious body, her face blissfully unaware of Julie being in the room and watching them.

Watching Danny slam his thick cock home Julie suddenly recognized where that extremely sweet smell was coming from. It was coming from Anja.

She had spoken to Doctor Carson a few years before and he had explained to her that there was an aura that wolves projected to attract females to mate. Due to their wolf genes, it appeared Danny and Martin had developed this ability, yet they were unable to control how to use it. It would not happen to every female, only those the male consider worthy of mating with, and it did not necessarily mean they would stay together. Julie knew this aura well, as she had felt it flow over her on many occasions, and while Danny's aura could always get her ready and excited, their relationship had not progressed into something emotionally so deep.

Yet now, watching Danny fuck Anja senseless, Julie felt the effects of his aura again. Julies body was becoming extremely excited by just watching Anja's lean muscular body as she fucked Danny's huge cock back with obvious enthusiasm and passionate need; the line of her back, and the curve of her beautiful ass, as well as her large firm tits. Julie felt her own excitement growing as she dropped her fatigues to the floor and moved to the front of the bed where Anja's beautiful face was locked in euphoric sexual bliss. Her eyes were closed tightly, her mouth open in a small circle as orgasm after orgasm was coursing through her. Julie leaned close to her ear.

"Its delicious isn't it?" She whispered softly.

Anja's green eyes sprang open in an instant and her head turned to look directly at Julie. She pushed her upper body up from the bed, exposing her huge tits to Julies gaze and she reached back to placed her hand on Danny's powerful abdomen to try and get him to stop fucking her senseless. It was to no avail as he simply gripped her hips tighter and strengthened his plunges into her. Anja's eyes nearly rolled into her head, but through the fog of orgasmic pleasure she looked at Julie.

"Petty Petty Officer Ahhhhhhh. I..." Anja was trying to speak, but Danny's soul robbing stokes into her pussy were making her see stars instead.

Julie smiled softly, looking at her face." Its ok." She spoke." I'm just going to watch."

Anja could only grunt in reply as Danny reached forward and palmed her firm tits, giving him leverage to stroke his huge black cock into her even more deeply. Anja could only watch as Julie settled onto the bed in front of them completely naked. Her own darker colored skin glistened with sweat, her breasts high and firm. Though not as large as Anja's breasts, they looked entirely delicious in Anja's eyes. Julies legs were long and lean and muscular, and her waist was small. Her abdomen was flat and satiny and sported a pierced navel with a glittering diamond. Anja found her eyes drifting to Julies pussy, and she was surprised to see the bald pussy with dark lips so wet. Watching Danny fuck the shit out of her was making Julie excited Anja noticed. Her pussy was leaking cum and Anja could tell it was becoming more and more aroused. Danny's hands were everywhere on her body, grabbing and caressing every part of her flesh.

This was not Kevin fucking her she realized in her enormously aroused mind. Danny was fucking her with an intensity that only Martin had surpassed. His hands and lips and tongue never stayed in one spot, as he licked and caressed and kissed every exposed portion of her supple frame. Anja closed her eyes briefly, and in her minds eye it was Martin fucking her and not Danny. Danny's touch was exciting and passionate, but Martins hands had made her sing in pleasure and desire even more powerful than what she was experiencing now. As she opened her eyes again and saw Julies dripping snatch in front of her Anja surrendered to that desire once more.

Anja used surprising strength to pull Danny's hands from her tits as she fell forward on the bed. And again with surprising speed and strength she shocked Julie by pulling her long legs open and pulling her hips down towards her drooling lips.

Anja what what are you doing! Julie gasped her eyes wide, "Stop! I've never been with a woman! I' cant oh my GOD! Ahhhhhhh YES!"

Anja covered Julies beautiful, oozing pussy with her lips and sucked hard on the passion and desire bloated clit. Julie immediately erupted in an intense orgasm, and Anja dug her hands into Julies supple ass cheeks, holding her in place while she drank Julies sweet tasting cum with no hesitation whatsoever. Julies back was arched off the bed, her hands clenching the sheets in earth shattering orgasmic bliss as she came harder than she had ever experienced without Danny's hard cock ramming into her.

Dan took all this in with wide eyes and it was entirely too much for him to stand. The fact that Anja had her beautiful face buried in Julies pussy and was obviously swallowing Julies cum was too much for him. With a roar like a wild animal he rammed his huge cock home into Anja's well fucked but still unbelievably tight pussy one final time, his cum bloated balls seated firmly against the backs of her upper thighs and he exploded within her. Anja screamed into Julies delicious tasting pussy as she felt Danny's cum blasting into her with more force than anytime earlier in the evening. Her body responded in kind, her own howl inducing orgasm as she coated his spurting and twitching ebony monster with her juices. Julies clutching pussy was spewing sweet tasting cum all over her face and Anja again fastened her gasping mouth over Julies cunt so that she could drink down her sweet cum, while her own orgasm carried her to new heights.

It was over in two minutes, all of them physically spent beyond what they had expected, and the three of them fell into a post orgasmic blissful moment. Dan fell forward onto Anja's back, his cock still firmly entrenched deep in her cunt, Julie had fallen back on the bed, her chest heaving in wonderment at what had just occurred, and Anja was between them. Her blissful face rested just above Julies now glistening pussy and she felt Danny's huge cock still buried within her. Her mind told her it would be better only with Martins arms around her.