"Thats it Admiral. "The tech spoke turning in his chair to face Wallace and Martin." The interference from the comet has degraded all communications now. We won't be able to talk to anyone on earth for at least twenty-eight hours until the comet clears out of the immediate area."

William nodded. "The emergency beacons are still operating though correct?"

The tech nodded." Yes sir. Most of earths governments moved their satellites into new orbits to avoid the comet, but it cost them most of their fuel. Well be busy after this sucker passes."

William nodded." So it would see. How long before it passes between us?"

"Sixteen hours Admiral." The tech answered." And at least another twelve before it actually clears up enough that we can talk to earth."

William nodded. "Keep me informed Ensign." He turned and motioned for Martin to follow him. They left the Command Center and headed for the small officers lounge on this level. "Did Senator Graham give you any grief today?" Wallace asked him.

Martin shook his head. "No sir. Kind of makes me uneasy. "He said.

William nodded," Me too. Is that SWEEPER Team still being watched?"

Martin nodded." I have someone on each of the nine members, yes sir. The rest of those we suspected were actual technicians."

"Good. I want to be kept advised of every thing they do." Wallace spoke." I understand Anja came to see you today?"

Martin nodded." She wanted to make peace." He told him." I agreed but told her we were on different teams and we both hated to lose."

William chuckled. "Shes a stubborn wench, no doubt about that."He said. "Someone needs to fuck her brains out and make her relax a little."

Martin laughed." Don't look at me sir!" He said in mock fear." I did that once and look where it got me."

William laughed and clapped Martin on the shoulder." Perhaps you should fuck her again and fix what you obviously started."

"Me?" Martin gasped.

Wallace nodded." She's got the hots for you Marty. I don't think that has ever changed. The arrogance and angry she projects at you is her way of dealing with what she doesn't understand."

"You're kidding right sir?" Martin asked.

Wallace nodded, "Nope."

"Admiral it was only one night." Martin said.

Wallace nodded. "And sometimes one night is all you need to know that you were meant for someone. He looked at Martin. You still have feelings for her Marty, that much is very obvious. Just don't dismiss anything just yet, ok?"

Martin nodded slowly. Yes.... yes sir."

"You and your team have proven yourselves to me countless times Marty. Never doubt that I will support you in anything that you do". Wallace said.

Martin nodded." I know sir."

"Good. What are you going to do with yourself while this comet thing goes by?"

Martin smiled." The Astrometric Chief told me it was going to be quite the display. I think I might wander over to the arboretum and watch."

"I'll be in my quarters getting some much deserved sleep". William said." Unless that thing crashes in to us, I don't want to be disturbed until after it passes us by."

Martin nodded. "I'll make sure of it sir."

Anja was in the process of being disturbed, but it was the most pleasurable disturbance she had experienced in several years. She had woken only a short time ago to find herself entwined with two other dark skinned individuals. Her head rested lazily on Julies firm medium sized breasts, one of her legs draped across her lower body. She could feel Danny spooning against her from behind, his huge cock flaccid, but still large enough to send shivers of delight coursing through her at the memories of the pleasure it had given her. He was sound asleep, and Anja took it upon herself to explore the new flesh under her. She had never even thought about having sex with another woman before, yet seeing Julies beautiful dripping pussy so close to her face, and still gripped in the effects of Danny's aura, she had proceeded to lap at the first cunt of her life. And what an experience it had been. When Julie had exploded into her mouth, her juices had tasted almost like mocha coffee and Anja had drunk them down with relish. When she had awoken still stretched upon Julies luscious body Anja slowly wiggled and squirmed and pushed Danny off her and then she began to explore the supple dark flesh before her.

Anja's gentle and intimate caresses had woken Julie. At first she thought it had been Danny, until she looked down between her thighs and saw the mass of Persian red hair. Just as she realized it was Anja sucking gently on her aroused clit and stroking her tight ass cheeks, Julie was blindsided by the orgasm. She cried out and entwined her fingers in Anja's soft lustrous red hair and held her head in place as Anja's lips and tongue danced across the now swollen lips of her pussy and her engorged clit and drank the cum spewing from Julies pussy. As her orgasm subsided, she felt Anja slowly work her way up Julies taunt ebony body, her tongue licking the sweat from between her firm breasts until Julie was looking into her bright jade green eyes. Julie pulled Anja's lips to hers in the most passionate and heated kiss she had ever given anyone, and she whimpered into Anja's mouth as she returned the heat and passion. It was then that she realized what Danny had discovered in the first moments of his first kiss with this red headed vixen. Anja had an incredibly long, yet delicious tongue and it sent shivers through Julie. It did not take them long to begin exploring each others bodies, and soon Anja was flipping around and lowering her drenched pussy over Julies waiting lips.

Julie stopped lapping at Anja's dripping cunt and paused to admire the firmness of her ass cheeks and the neatly trimmed tuft of red hair above her fully swollen clit. She groaned as she felt Anja's insistent tongue delicately probing the depths of her pussy. Julie was amazed at how long Anja's tongue was, and she now had every inch of that incredibly warm appendage stuffing her snatch while Anja fastened her mouth over her entire pussy. Julie stared at the swollen pink lips of Anja's beautiful pussy, her lips and mouth full of Anja's sweet tasting juices. An hour ago, she would never have even dreamed about this experience, but here she was eagerly lapping away at the most beautiful white pussy she had ever seen, and thoroughly enjoying every moment. Her hands grasped Anja tight ass cheeks and pulled that beautiful snatch down to her face again, eliciting a groan of pleasure from Anja as she sank her tongue as far into that pink pussy as she could.

Though they were both inexperienced at eating pussy, they both chose to use the same techniques that got them off, and it succeeded. Anja cried out first, shoving her spasming cunt down hard on Julies wonderful tongue as she erupted into Julies eager mouth. Julie didn't miss a drop, her tongue working Anja sensitive clit even more as her honey tasting cum poured out of her pussy into her mouth and throat. It was then that Julies eyes went wide, and to her credit she didn't remove her mouth from Anja pussy as she felt Anja'sslim finger slip into her virgin ass just as Anja sucked hard on her swollen clit. Julie lost it then as she screamed into her lovers pussy and flooded her waiting mouth with more cum than she had ever produced before. It was so much that Anja could barely keep up, and some of her cum slipped from the corners of Anja's mouth and soaked her jaw and neck.

Their arms clutched each others bodies tightly, their mouths never leaving their places as thighs quivered and firm abdomens clenched. They drank each others essence until there was nothing left to give. They were both coated with sweat when it was over, the sheets of the bed soaked. Almost as if reading each others minds they looked over to where Danny had been laying when they began. He had shifted to the far side of the large bed and was still sleeping soundly. With a soft groan Anja lifted her pussy from Julies face and slowly turned to crawl back up her body. Julies dark eyes were wide and very bright, and the smile that was on her face caused Anja to grin.

"Hi...hi there," Anja whispered; a very satisfied and seductive smile on her face.

"Hi hi yourself", Julie answered. She reached up as her breathing was returning to normal and traced Anja's soft red lips with a finger, "That.... that was incredible."

Anja's large green eyes were bright and seemed to become even more animated when Julie said that. I I thought so too. She spoke softly before plunging her face down for a toe curling kiss that made both of them shudder in post orgasmic delight. The kiss lasted for several long moments before it broke, and Anja simply rested her head on Julies substantial tits as they both fell into a dreamy sleep curled in each others arms.