Tina groaned and reached for her head, her helmet almost coming apart when she touched it. Her eyes began to focus and she saw the shattered glass of her side cockpit window where her head impacted. Her helmet had saved her life.

"Ben?" She called weakly, hearing the strain on the Raptor's engines, and the alarms blaring all throughout the cockpit. She turned her head slowly seeing Ben's bloody hand on the throttles. As her eyes followed his arm up they grew wider, "Ben… oh my god Ben!" Tina began fighting with her straps to unfasten herself from her seat.

"Stay there!" Ben's voice stopped her.

His helmet was shattered, his face a mass of blood and cuts where the cockpit had imploded. His left hand was gripping the control stick tightly, the left side of his body also cut and bleeding profusely.

"Ben you're hurt bad!" Tina barked, still trying to get her straps unfastened.