Dysea's green eyes fluttered open slowly, her vision blurry. It was bright outside, that much she could tell, and she blinked her eyes several times in an attempt to clear and focus them.

"Do not attempt to rise." The female voice spoke to her from the side. She turned her head, and saw the face of Tarifa close to her. She was a little blurry, but Dysea knew who she was. "Your injuries have been treated Dysea, but it will take a few more hours for your body to fully heal."

Dysea's eyes cleared now, and she saw Tarifa's beautiful face looking at her with those sapphire eyes. She had what appeared to be a nasty cut on her forehead, but it seemed to be slowly healing. She tried to sit up and move away from her, but a wave of pain swept through her head, and she felt Tarifa's hand touch her arm.

"You are safe Queen of the Wood Elves." Tarifa spoke softly. "I will allow no harm to come to you."

"Where… where am I?" Dysea asked softly.