Marcus walked into the central command center for all Alliance military forces across what was once the United States and parts of the planet. There were hundreds of computer stations and monitors across the massive room, men and women occupying the chairs. Marcus wore his standard field uniform, neatly pressed with only his rank showing on his collar.

 He walked along the wall of the huge room until he reached the small briefing room and entered quickly.

 "Ah… Colonel Marcus." The Commodore spoke, looking up from his seat.

 Marcus looked at him, taking in the three other men in the room. "Commodore, reporting as you ordered sir."

 "Please Colonel take a seat." The Commodore spoke waving to the lone unoccupied chair. "I'm sure you already know Minister Oleg Deval and Minister Robert Wiseman and this beautiful young woman is Minister Selene Torcrum of the Genetics Division."