Palina looked at Roland as she let the door slide closed behind her. "Roland… no one is to disturb them, and I do mean no one. If there is a problem you may contact me. I will inform the Elders that Tarifa is ill and will need a day or so to recover before she rejoins their daily sessions."

 Roland nodded. "It will be done Milady." He said firmly.

 Palina took one look at the door before smiling gently and heading toward the lift.

 Dysea looked at Tarifa's restful face on the bed where she and her mother had placed her. She removed her cloak and draped it over the chair in the sleeping room, hearing Tarifa stir on the bed.

 Tarifa sat up quickly, "Mother! My dream… it was so real!" She exclaimed, her eyes searching the room. They settled on Dysea as she sat on the edge of the bed.

 "It was no dream Tarifa." She said.

 Tarifa's eyes were hugely wide, as she stared at Dysea, "Dysea! You… you are here." She gasped.