"Cousin?" Leena spoke softly as she stroked Anuk's face gently. They were in the bedroom of the suite, Radama helping her carry Anuk into the room and laying her in the bed. Leena had wasted no time and injected Anuk with the anti-dote to the mind control drug. That Anuk had been able to fight the drug as much as she had spoke incredibly of her powerful will and mind. Leena knew it to be that she was the daughter of General Vengal. He was forceful and driving and he drove his troops hard, yet he also considered each of them a member of his family and did not needlessly throw their lives away.

 Anuk's cerulean colored eyes opened slowly, blinking rapidly to adjust to the light in the room and to focus more quickly. "Leen… Leena?" She spoke softly, her lips dry and cracked.

 "I am here cousin." Leena told her, gripping her hands and moving so that Anuk could see her.

 "Leena!" Anuk said more forcibly, rising up on the bed. "It… it is you!"