Leland sat on an equipment crate outside the Raptor, General Vengal and the crew chief with him near the end of the ramp. They had done a little bit of scouting, but did not want to wander too far from the protective armor of the Raptor. Vengal looked at Leland as he downed a gulp of water.

"I've noticed something different about you Leland." Vengal spoke munching on the protein bar.

 Leland looked at him. "What is that General?"

 "You seem calmer, less excitable. If I remember correctly, as the Queen's Captain you were less inclined to relax and breathe easy." Vengal spoke.

 Leland nodded. "Many things have changed in these last months General." He spoke. "I have seen things I never in my lifetime felt I would see. And I have… I have found something I thought I would be denied."

 Vengal looked into the hold of the Raptor towards the cockpit, "The human pilot?" He asked.

 Leland nodded with a smile. "Yes."