Martin stepped up next to Andreus on the main patio and handed him the mug of coffee. "She is your mother Andreus." Martin spoke. "You should talk to her."

"I will sire." Andreus replied. "It takes a lot to forget what has happened however. She knows what she did is wrong, but it is hard for me to forgive."

"It is better to give forgiveness then hold on to anger my friend." Martin spoke. "Do not wait long, she loves you. She also loves your father and she was torn between those loves. Your father is a good man as well, do not discount that. I've read the transcripts from the hearing. What the Senate did to him was wrong, he should not have been punished, and nor should your family have to bear that shame."

"Sire we don't believe Acropolis did as they say he did." Andreus spoke. "Aricia, myself, our brothers and sisters, none of us believe it."

"He confessed Andreus." Martin spoke.