Dekton unlocked the door to his quarters and watched it slid open, his hand griping the Nehtes out of sight behind his thigh. His fingers relaxed when he saw it was Tarifa, and he breathed in her rich peach scent. His dark eyes moved back and forth but he did not see Aihola and he turned them back to Tarifa, reaching out with his sense of smell. Her cherry blossom scent was nearby in the next room. No more than ten meters away.

Tarifa suppressed the gasp as she looked at Dekton. He was shirtless, his upper body sculpted muscle. He was not as heavily ripped as she remembered Martin to be, but he was not as muscular. His chest was dotted with half a dozen scars that appeared to be from bladed weapons, the veins in both arms thick and visible. Tarifa had to admit, he looked delicious, just as Nya Istel had said.

"Milady," He spoke, his voice jarring her from her inspection of his body. "Is there something I can do for you?"