"My father taught me the art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on."
"And what did he tell you about being outnumbered seven to one Andro?"
"Ah… that one is easy Sa'sur. Put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye should cover it nicely."
"Oh that's brilliant! So what you are saying is when that arrogant Kavalian Admiral asshole, whatever his name is, contacts us demanding our surrender I can tell him to kiss my elven ass!"
"I would use more colorful language, but yes essentially that is what you can do."
"Well that's good to know."
-Conversation between Androcles and Captain Sa'sur of the SCIMITAR-
-Battle of Petoria Three-
-Kavalian Wars-
-Earth Year 2576-
-Recorded by Dilaen Roan-
-Personal Journals of Androcles Leonidas-