"Chetak!" Martin Leonidas hissed angrily. "Is that like a fucking joke?"
"He's actually Lucvaun's son Marty." Anja answered. "His youngest son. He apparently was able to hide his identity during the trials by changing his name and his face. He wasn't old enough to take part in any atrocities back then Martin; he was off Enurrua until only two weeks before we arrived. He was attending a military academy in Limian space under false papers. He was making his way back to Enurrua when we attacked. He was caught on Elear when we hit Chetak and his ilk. His mother apparently began telling him that I killed his father as soon as they discovered one another upon arriving on Apo Prime."
Martin turned from the transmission as Aricia walked in carrying two mugs of coffee. "Lucvaun is the asshole who shot Isheeni right?" He asked as he took the mug. "The one Torma killed?"
Anja nodded. "One and the same."