"…say again?" The Puma Bane Commando Leader spoke as he pressed his finger into the curve of his slanted ear.

They were holding position four hundred meters away from the Drow estate waiting for the explosive traps to be tripped so that they could move forward and confirm that the two females who had escaped the store were dead. The soft whimpers of humiliation and pain still filtered to his ears from the two Drow females his men had brought with them. His men were growing tired with them, both of them beaten and raped more times than he cared to keep count.

"Major… a Bontawillian KJU21 Corvette landed at the spaceport minutes ago." The voice of the five member team he had left in the city reported.

"Why is this of interest to me?" The Major snapped.

"Not the ship sir… who exited the ship." The voice answered. "Senior Polemarch Walter Carson."