I can tell you that a tough-minded optimism is best.
The future is not shaped by people who don't really believe in the future.
Men and women of vitality and courage have always been prepared to bet their futures, even their lives, on ventures of unknown outcome Androcles.
If they had all looked before they leaped, we would still be crouched in caves sketching animal pictures on the wall.
That was always your father's way, and though you do not wish to admit it, it is your way as well my boy.
The decision is now yours Androcles Leonidas.
I suspect no matter what, you will do your father proud
-The Feravomir to Androcles-
-Three days before the start of the Kavalian Wars-
-Earth Year 2576-
-Recorded by Dilaen Roan-
-Personal Journals of Androcles Leonidas-