First day of school

After my down fall I went through therapy session and had some mental disorders but am ok now at least I can go outside freely without worry about those thugs . I was as scared because Mr Jambo was out there so I should be careful.still deep in my thoughts I hear uncle Sam "Sophie my plum were already at your new school"he says with a smile " Must i go to school why can't I be home schooled by you like we have been doing this past years"I say with a frown " You now the doctor says you should learn to be social and what is more social than high school. And please just manage this for a year it's already your graduation year so please behave " he says with a concerned look on his face "ok uncle Sam I promise " "remember any problems just call " "ok dude"I say and roll my eyes.we do our secret handshake and I get down from the car.

Ok guys welcome to CIA (central international Academy) this has always been my mom's dream school. it the best school in the country. you can only come here if you parents are people of influence in the country. Either your parents are stinking rich or famous , you can also come by scholarship but it's really hard. The school takes intelligent and elegant students so it's a really tough school .

After my down fall I lost everything so I thought I couldn't get to the school , my uncle wasn't rich enough so... I didn't have hopes but when he said he got me a scholarship I was surprised my mom's dream school CIA. he said he pulled some strings and now am here.

As I walk into the halls I was checking the school out when a Beautiful young lady came to me " oh hello you must be Sophie William" actually my dad's last name is Silver but since I was leaving with my mom's younger brother I answer he last name "yeah nice to meet you miss..."

Miss Johnson: oh my name is miss Johnson dear your principal "

Sophie: your my principal but your young , I was expecting an old man or woman but your gorgeous" I look at her with admiration

Miss Johnson: am not as young as you think ok " she says with a smile on her face .

Miss Johnson: ok let's enter my office. " she said and Leads me to an office it was quite elegantly and simple. she handed me my school uniforms and books .As I was about to leave she said

Miss Johnson: Sophie any problems just tell me ok dear . your uncle told me what you have been through this past years, so remember I am always with you "

Sophie:ok miss thank you but I don't need your pity. it's the past now."

After that I was sent to class , during class the teacher told me to introduce my self which I did and sat down back on my sit

The day went smoothly till lunch time kids kept talking to me and admiring my beautiful. I didn't actually care about that so just nod my head an pass by . it was pretty disturbing especially from the boys some just keep asking about me and I give them the same answer" My name is Sophia William , that's enough for you to know ok " I always say arrogantly not caring who is too

finally school dismissed and I head home.