Ice princess

it's been a week since I joined the school and was still as cold as before not caring about people.

As I was sitting in lunch I noticed a girl come close to me

Girl: hi am Emma wanye nice to meet you

Sophie: am Sophie William

I say look indifferent

Emma: may I sit ?

Sophie:yeah what ever but don't.....

before I could finish she sat really close to me

Emma: I just wanted to know are you the so called ice princess everyone is talking about. Wow I can't believe a girl as pretty as you is this cold like seriously why so called any reason. come tell am trust worthy. at least that's what my mom says but not my dad cause this one time he had a Surprise for my mom but I told her and now it's not a surprise anymore cause it's out , how does he expect me to hide something from my mom like seriously hw I love my mother spool much. I know she could give her life for me because she said so herself...

she kept talking none stop and when she said ice princess I was furious I hate the name princess ever since I lost everything and now she talked about her mom and I suddenly remembered my mom and how the brutal killed her