A Small Part Of Life

I've been having this dread feeling that something is seriously wrong with me.

Atlas, Theseria and the other three -which I have no idea what their names are- kept a tensed face whilst we took our time towards the room where the feast was happening at this moment of time.

As if they were soldiers entering a gruesome battle, not a single one of them opened their mouths to speak. But on some occasions, some of them darts their eyes towards another, giving a quick glance then nodding after.

(Are they communicating in secret?)

One of my eyebrows raised as I gave Theseria an eyeful of glare.

Her half-closed eyes gestured something like: "Why are you looking at me like that?" kind of expression on her face. Yet, she ignored my glare and continued their steps.

I thought that that would work, but the silence was still untouched. Whatever they saw on my face earlier was probably something important, too important that it was capable to darken their faces.

Just a few minutes ago they were bouncing with joy, but now? Its as if all the problems in the world was placed onto their shoulders, darkening their expressions to the point that they looked like different people. Well, I hope their just burnt out from all that clowning earlier, I'm sure they'll probably return to their normal-selves, yeah, I'm sure they will.

(Hey, we're back!) I waved my hands and called Eve, hoping that maybe she knew what was happening to Atlas and the other's.

"BAH! BAH!" My voice called, reaching in the air for a couple of seconds until Eve finally took notice of my noise.

"Where have you been?" She slowly pulled me close and embraced me into her arms, cradled once again. "So? Where did you guys take him?"

For a slight moment, the groups serious expressions instantly changed. They scratched their heads and returned to being as normal as they are, aughing whilst telling Eve about how they didn't made me laugh the slightest.

Well, enough about that, at least everything's fine now. I hope.

(They worried me for nothing there, but what did they found out about my face?) I gasp, covering my small mouth with my chubby baby hands. (Am I....Ugly?!)

I didn't care whether I was good looking or not, but what I can't seem to forget is how Atlas and Theseria looked at me. Is being ugly a sin in this world? Cause I hope not.

Now that I think about it, I've never seen a single crook face amongst the people we passed by the road...Nah, I'm sure there's someone out there.

My tummy rumbles once again.

"Ohh? Look's like someone's hungry..." Eve glances toward Atlas. "...Did something happened? You look exhausted?"

"I-Its nothing...I'm old Eve, of course I'll look exhausted, now, get that rascal something to eat, I don't want my nephew to grow up like boney over here." Atlas pointed his thumb towards a scrawny and thin looking person who wore a normal looking brown clothes.

"HEY?!" The Skinny man replied then returned to his meal.

"Okay? Then, nothing happened? Really?" Eve glanced upwards to Atlas' face, one of her eyebrow raised.

"No-Nothing, nothing at all."

"Hmmm. Okay then, you grab Senior Thes and get some grub, I'll be back later, kay?"

Atlas closed into ear's length, whispered, "Ohh, don't worry, I'll be keeping an eye on this old hag..."

Eve released a small laugh, them immediately went up the stairs and arrived at the second floor of the Pyrrus household, with me on her arms, of course.

Unlike the first floor that consisted of god-knows how many rooms, ornaments, and decorations, the second floor only contained a long hallway. Four rooms can be seen, two on both sides. Similar to the house, the doors are also made of wood, timber, of course.

We entered the room in the far left, the door creaked and what lied ahead was a particular looking room a boy would have, well, fantasy-like, that is.

Considering how large the bed is, this is probably NOT my room.

Eve sat by the bed sheets, and I think most of you know what's gonna happen next.

(It's feeding time.)

I closed my eyes, and tried to ignore my lips sucking on her breasts. Thinking off something else other than the mountains of fat infront of me.

I didn't want to be fed like the baby I am, but considering the time frame of this world, feeding bottle's haven't probably been invented at this time.

(Now that I think about it, how does magic work in these world? There's various theories I can think off, but from what I saw today, it seems like a chant is needed for a necessary magic to activate. So, my knowledge about magic from novels might come off useless as I thought.)

I glanced at the palm of my hands, repeating an open and close motion.

(Magic....one day...I'll be able to use you someday.)

Well, time went by in a flash. Eve and I returned to the party after half an hour, with the same faces of strangers and noise in the background, most of Jack's friends seems to be already drunk.

(It hasn't even been passed noon yet? Damn, they're really going at it, it's like I'm back in the philippines, hehe.)

I couldn't help but to smile as I glanced at the large party in front of my eyes, even though it was loud and rowdy, I didn't mind.

But that very noise was silenced when the front door instantly opened, banged at the end. My eyes instantly darted towards the direction of the noise, outside, a boy wearing a fur coat was catching his breath, he had an ear length brown hair and his eyes were blue, similar to Eve.

(Who is this kid? Does he not have any manners?)

The boy glances from left to right, trying to find someone amidst the crowd, he ended up looking at our direction, then running immediately as he hugged Eve's legs.

"Ohh, welcome back, Aenar."

(Aenar?! So this runt's my brother, huh?)

"I'm back mother, here." He took a peculiar looking stone from his pocket. "A gift...I found it near the grounds."

"If you're here, then..." Eve glances to the door, and curious as I was, I did too. "How nice of you to come, Professor Xyrin."

Holding a sling bag in her arms, a women who look like to be on her mid-thirties slowly entered, she wore a long robe with a witch hat on her head.

"I was just passing by, after all, it's a request from my star pupil, after all." Patting Aenar by the head, Xyrin went close to my face. "So this is the boy, hmm? He looks, too ordinary...but, considering he's Your's and Jack's offspring, he'll probably grow up to be someone worth teaching..."

(Damn, lady. Don't glare at me like that...and why did everyone shut their mouth's... please make some noise...)

Atlas cleared his throat. "I'm sure he'll be worth teaching...someday...but for now..come join us Xyrin, look, Thes even saved you a seat."

"We-Well, since you asked for it, then..." Xyrin glanced away and went towards the large table which Atlas and Theseria sat, took a seat then the party continued.

As the crowed happily chatters once again, I felt this overwhelming drowsiness that slowly made my eyes shut.

Maybe it's because I was a baby that I already felt exhausted.

In an instant, my eyes began to close and my head drop's to Eve's arm, I felt the world darkening and my consciousness disappearing by the second.

One sentence sprouted inside my mind as I fell asleep. "Seems like my life won't be as boring as I thought."