Growing Up (1)

Months passed in a blink of an eye. Speaking this worlds language became harder than I thought. I could understand it to some extent but saying the right words and sentence was a pain in my ass.

Reading came next. But that's a story for another time. One thing I can say is that, reading and learning how to write was a privilege. Only for certain individuals perhaps?

Well, I still have no clue being the small child as i am.

My everyday life consisted of crawl, eat, shit, sleep and repeat. That's all there is.

On some occasion Eve read's me a bedtime story about how a Hero of the past generation defeated the demon king to bring peace to the land.

It's one of those stories where the main character used the power of friendship to defeat an overpowered enemy that they would've never beat. Those cliche kinds.

Well, I've read too many novels in my past life to get bored at this kind of plot. never said I didn't liked it, but sometimes reality can be cruel. The evil can win just as much as Good can be beaten.

They are two sides of the coin, and the ending can be Good Or Bad.

'Now that I think about it? where are they?'

As I crawl on all fours and reached the open door, I can't just help but ask.

There was no one in the near vicinity.

'Did something happened? Where did they go?'

I started crawling. Eventually, I reached the stairs in a matter of seconds.

I might still be a few months old, but thanks to my months of hardship, my skill on crawling became that of a centipede.

I turned my body and slowly descended. One baby foot at a time while my ams held the railing on my side.

With minutes of hardwork, I finally reached the bottom.

"Whew..." I sighed a long breath. Sweat dripping from my forehead as wiped it.

'Since when did crawling became his hard? This body's.....too weak I guess. just by crawling a few feet I'm already exhausted....I need some water.'

While I passed through the row of sofa's and chairs, a certain room passed my eyes. I instinctively stopped and found myself being dawn to it.

Ever since I've arrived in this world, I've been curious about the power of mana. Magic, so to speak. It was something I've dreamed of having even in my past life. I still couldn't forget the time when Theseria showed me her magic.

It still made me question why they haven't visited ever since then, but still, after that...boredom became my natural enemy. my eyes opened wide to a room full of large books, I couldn't help myself. I crawled forward with all my strength, without caring whether I rolled because of my exhilarated mind or not.

'There's enough books here to fill a library!'

Although it won't, the very sight of it made me think that way.

'Is this a study room?'

Surrounded by stacks of books were only a single chair and table. I couldn't see what's on top but if I were to guess, there's probably a quill and ink.

I crawled towards the near stack of books on the floor. Thought I didn't know how to read I still went for it.

Just before I could pull the book down, a certain person stopped me from continuing.

"Here you are!"

A pair of hands pulled me away and without a second, I was already on the persons arms.

It was Eve.

I didn't hear her footsteps so how did she got close to me? And where did she came from? But before I could think that way. I made a pouting face as my arms dropped.

I glared at the stack of books then to Eve's face next. Showing how upset i was.

" can't read this books, they're too advance for you." She pulled me away and left the room.

I tried to escape her grasp, but a baby' strength can only go so far.

After crawling to exhaustion, my muscles felt like jelly and sore to the point where I could collapse at any moment now.

Eve placed me down on the sofa and told me to stay put.

As she left me once again, I tried to make my way back to the study room, but before I could even get down on the floor, the sudden knock on the door stopped me. Startled, my sluggish baby body and fell on the floor.

With a loud thump, seconds later, Eve came running.

"What happened?" Her eyes opened wide.


Immediately, she ran towards my location and picked me up the second later. "Are you okay? Did it hurt?" She said while rubbing my head, where a small bump now appeared.

I wanted to say I'm fine, but my voice only made an 'urgh' sound.

"We can't have that bump last now , can we?" Eve said. Her hands once again glowed, signifying that she was about to use healing magic. Seconds later, the pain stopped, and the bump had disappeared as if it wasn't even there.

"You just couldn't stay still for a minute, can't you?"

With another set of knocks, Eve makes her way towards the door.

"Coming!" She opened the door. Morgana White, the girl with Pink eyes and white hair stood on the front porch. She wore a long brown dress, a common one that most people wear at home or outside, while holding a basket of fruits.

"Morgana. It's so nice of you to visit again. You're here to play with Bane again?"

"Yes, Mrs , Pyrrus. Is it okay to come in?"

"Ohh, yes...yes. Make yourself at home."


Mine and Morgana's eyes met. Her's opened wide as she caught me trying to get back on the sofa.

I didn't want to eavesdrop, but who can stop me? I was bored.

While quickly returning to my position of how Eve left me, Morgana, was once again ready to play.

I could never understand how she could play with someone young like me. She should be playing with other kids her age, right?

"Ohh...before I forgot." Morgana handed over the basket of fruits to Eve.

"How thoughtful."

"Yes...umm...Uncle Zero said to bring atleast something....I plucked them myself this morning..." Morgana replied while rubbing her hands.

"Thank you, this will go greatly for dessert later. I should peel some of play with Bane for the meantime, just watch him carefully okay? He's been energetic this past few days."

"O..Okay. Leave it to me."

Eve gave me a glaring smile, almost telling me to behave.

'Well, not that I can act like that.'

I've been behaving like a saint since I've got here, and leave it to boredom to make things more boring.

" have you been?" Morgana asked.

I tilted my head.

"Ohh, I still can't talk, can you?" Her face got close with each word.

She squinted her eyes. "You know...sometimes I feel like you can understand me....I don't know why but I just feel that way..hmmmmm.....So, you want to play?"

I breath a sigh.

"You...don't?" She immediately said, probably thinking that I was getting tiresome of her. With just that, her face was already on the verge of crying.

'Damn, I forgot how emotional children are.'

I never said I didn't want to play with her.

Although her presence can be quite annoying sometimes, she was the only one that relieves my boredom of NOT DOING ANYTHING for the entire day.

Well, as the baby I currently am. My schedule is pretty open for the rest of the day.

Before she bawl her tears out, I reached for her and tried to talk. "Pl..ay."

The words were cut but atleast I manage to speak for once.

"Di..Did you just say?"


Wow my vocabulary were already progressing, this is a good sign.

"You did! You spoke! YAY!!! You spoke to me!!"

Morgana pulled me up and waved me around, after that she immediately placed me back down because I was too heavy for her. After all, she was only a few years older than me, so her muscles must still be developing.

And before anything else, Eve suddenly came running back with peeled apples on a plate.

"What? Who spoke?"

"Bane! Bane did!" Morgana replied as she pointed to me with her arms, as if I was a marvelous presentation.

"What?! What did he say?"

"Play...He said play."

Both of them became as proud as a lion, and It was getting tiresome the longer they continued to act like it.

'Can you stop now? Or can I just leave?'