Growing Up (2)

'Well, that's surprising.'

It was only a few hours since my first word came out. Well, not that it matters to me.

When you hear the word 'Play', most people would think about catching, jumping or even throw soft things at each other, but that word immediately changes in this world.

Not that I was surprised enough by how this world's people play, like throwing a newborn baby in a few feet in the air, rolling me down a hill or even swimming, what surprised me the most was how a girl just a few ears older than me, was already capable of using the power of magic.

Ohh, before I forget, Eve had something to do so Morgana and I were left behind after hearing a story about how my first words were said.

One might call her a nanny if someone found out how she spends most of her time with a baby.

My eyes sparkled.

Morgana raised one of her hands, the other floated in front of her lips while acting cute as she blinked one eye. "This will be our little secret, okay?"

Not that I care, but just in case, I responded with a slight nod.

Small bubbles suddenly floated in the air after Morgana's hands glowed. It floated then turned, swirled around us then popped.

I unconsciously jumped back.

Not that there's any space to do so.

Once all the bubbles popped, the water droplets that fell on the floor slowly rises in the air. Once again did the same maneuver happened.

It floated, turned and then swirled all around. But unlike the bubbles, there was no next thing.

I was a tiny bit disappointed. You know, just a smidge.

But once I returned my gaze to Morgana, all that emotion disappeared.

She was catching her breaths. Sweat trickles down her forehead as she clutch her chest as if she were in pain.

Well, I have no clue how magic works, but what I know is that when someone is in pain, someone must be there for them. Just like how I was in the past.

But considering how things are now, the only thing I could do is to give my utmost support.

With a slight pat on her back and making my best gesture of 'Keep Fighting', Morgana showed a smile and finally calmed down.

Well, after that came an unusual long talk about her life and hobbies.


The orange rays of afternoon enveloped the world with its rays, and based on how hot it was and where it currently is, it was probably 3:00 pm.

Not that it matters.


As more time passed, I was beginning to worry about Eve and the others.

According to the information I found out from the few months I've lived in this new body, Jack Pyrrus, my father, was a retired adventurer, and his job now was to guard the town, a soldier one might call it. While Aenar Pyrrus, my older brother is studying swordsmanship.

He said he wanted to enter a renowned academy in the north.

I forgot what it was called so let's forget about that for now.

Lastly, Eve Pyrrus.

I had a vague idea what Eve's job ever since the first few days of my arrival to this world. Well, it was only because of my short eavesdrop on her talk with Zero from time to time.

Eve was similar to a detective with a mix of exterminating monsters. So she's probably more powerful than she look.

Because every time she was called on a job, never did I ever see her injured the slightest.

I know I shouldn't be worried, but still.

"You okay, Bane?" Morgana suddenly pat my head.

I returned to my usual composure. Knowing that they will be home soon.

Well, there has never been a time when they returned home later than noon, so as I waited, I hoped nothing bad happened.

To liven things up, Morgana, who became worried because of my sudden change in mood, took it upon herself and carried me outside.

Startled, I stared on her face, asking inside my head. 'Where are we going?'

"You want to go look around? I'm sure you're getting bored of me already, so let's liven things up, okay?"

With a smile on her face, she covered my whole body with a fur coat, then after a second or two, we left the house unattended.

I have no clue where we were about to go, but based on the road we took, there was a small chance that we're headed towards the Zero's place, the place where I was born.

I have no clue why we were going to such a place, but since there's nothing a baby can do, I tried getting comfortable as Morgana uses all her strength to carry me for a long way.

It didn't last long before she stopped. Well, I was heavy to begin with there's no doubt about that.

We managed to reach halfway, but there was still a significant amount to traverse.

"Haa...Haaa...Did you gain weight, Bane? Why are you heavier than normal?"

First of all, Rude. And second of all, I'm a baby, I'm always growing. Even at this moment I could feel my muscles already developing.

Not enough to walk though.

"There should be somewhere we can rest here....there."

Morgana, who was catching her breaths, finally took a seat near a store, though she hesitated for the first few seconds. Thankfully there were empty chairs, so using one won't be a problem.

That's what I thought.

Before a minute could even pass, both of us, well, Morgana, were already pushed from her seat.

The chair tilted and Morgana instantly fell to the floor, while I, on the other hand, thankfully was on the other chair.

But with the sudden action of someone, I couldn't help but be surprise, mostly angry.

"Can you please not sit on our chairs, it might get dirty." A girl said, and based on how tall she was in my eyes, she's almost seven or probably eight years old by now.

"I didn't know the witches daughter was roaming around, what are you doing in this part of the town?"

"Ohh...haha. I'm sorry, I didn't know we can't sit here. I'm sorry." Without wasting a second, Morgana stood up and bowed her head and apologized like a salary man to their boss.

Scratching her head with a forced smile, she continued. "I'm sorry, Hera. W-We were about to leave. Let's go, Bane."

Morgana pulled me in her arms, still exhausted.

"Haa. I didn't know you're a nanny now? What happened, that old man doesn't have enough money now to take care of you?"

'Old man? Must be Zero. How old is he really?'

"N-No! I was just....I was just watching him or the meantime...."

The girl, Hera, squinted her blue eyes. As she stared at me, I stared back. She wore a maid uniform, brown boots and gloves that reaches her elbows, with her orange hair in a pony tail.

I wasn't the type to get emotional on a kids fight but this was something I couldn't just ignore. Well, not that I can do anything.

To show I wasn't intimidated in the slightest, our look at each other became a staring contest.

And based on how she wasn't looking away, she probably had the same idea I had.

Her eyes twitched and after a few seconds, she wiped the small tears from her eyes.


"Huh? What?" Morgana darts her head back and forth, having no clue what was happening.

"What's the deal with this kid? Is he not a little bit intimidated?" Hera's inside thoughts were suddenly burst out in a whisper.


"Nothing....don't mind it witch daughter....."

Hera crossed her arms. "Well?"

"We-Well , what?

"Would you kindly leave already? You're scaring all the customers."

"O-Ohh right, let's go, Bane."

"And don't come back here with that child with you! You better don't!"

As we slowly walk away from the store, I still kept my eyes on Hera, staring with my eyebrows furrowed.

'What a spoiled brat.'

She raised an eyebrow, and before long, her figure disappeared as we took a turn.

Minutes of walking passed.

For a short moment, I felt like I heard Morgana sobbed, but as I look up to her face, there was nothing like that.

'Did I imagine it?'